
How will the liberals stop the air force from building its proposed fuel from coal plants?

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to achieve energy independence from foriegn oil, the airforce is offering 700 acres of malstrom airbase in Montana & agreeing to be a partner in a coal to liquid fuel plant similar to ones in south Africa & China.

last year the liberals in congress killed an attempt by the private sector to build such plants.

how will they stop this attempt by the U.S. air force to make us independent from foriegn oil supplys?




  1. Easy, can you say Environmental Impact Study, endangered beetles or tumble bugs or micro darting toads.

  2. All the dems speak of energy independence but as soon as we try something to achieve this goal, then they cry about the environment.  Really the enviro wackos want to be in the stone age.

  3. Wow - what exactly is the question here?  Will congress try to block alternative energy technologies?  Is that really your question, because if it is...then absolutely the answer is YES.  In regards to simply voting against.  Does it matter it they are liberal or conservative, dem or reb?  No - congress will vote in the direction of 1) the lobby, 2) the lobby, 3) the lobby and 4) their constituents.  Come on, do you know how politics really works in this country?  The energy lobby, the energy industry is going to allow happen what is best for industry.  Coal to liquid is an interesting proposition but is in no way a path to independence.  Do we even want independence?  Are you familiar with how much profit petroleum companies are making now?  Independence, are you serious?  You know how much money they will make then?  Do you want European fuel prices?  They are paying 6, 7, 9 US dollars per gallon over there right now.

    Independence is not in the cards anytime soon.  Alternative energy lifestyles, alternative industrial and urban planning and implementation of non-fossil energy generation are the only path towards "less dependence" on foreign petroleum production.  Do not kid yourself, we will hit peak oil before we get independent.

  4. linlyons, you are incorrect.  We could indeed become totally independent of foreign oil using our deposits of coal, oil shale and oil sands.  The only obstical is cost, foreign oil is less expensive to produce than all of these alternatives.  But the technology is their, and in some cases (coal to gasoline, jet and diesel) has been around for over 60 years.

  5. by kicking the energy lobby out of the white house.   <<make us independent from foriegn oil supplys>>   you are kidding, right.   we import 60% of the oil we use.  there's no way we're going to be independent.

  6. Now why would they want to block it, it's going to make us independent from the 205 of oil we get from the middle east and then al the oil from South America.  Then again you may be on to something here as the spotted jobberdo seems to like to wiggle over coal deposits.

    It's going to be like everything else they will lobby and whine and use the media and hopefully Americans are sick of all the whining and as we saw last year have begun to awaken.

    if and when they get their heads together and right now since the cost is cutting into their piece of the pie I bet they will steam rollover them and get it done.  I wonder how much oil was in the Naval strategic oil reserve oil fields that a politician allowed to be sold when oil was at an all time low.  How many barrels.  take care.

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