
How will the polar shift affect our magnetic field?

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I know there are many theories concerning it, and I looked into it a little, but I'm still not sure what the connection is between the polar shifts (which were proven) and our magnetic field, which protects us.

The most confusing is the theory, that it will destroy the magnetic field. How is that possible, shifting occured many times before, but our field is still here.

I don't believe in the whole 2012 bit but this has me confused.




  1. Scientist believe that there will be lots of natural disasters, such as volcanoes erupting, before the poles switch.  Then, we will temporarily be without a magnetic field as they actually switch.  Scientist don't know why the fields switch, but it has to do with the spinning of the core that generates the field and the poles.

    The bad news: if the volcanoes don't kill us, the really harmful cosmic rays deflected by the field will shower down on us when the field is down.

    The good news: the last time the poles switched was about the time the dinosaurs became extinct, so life can survive without the magnetic fields for a little time.

  2. Because the polarity of the earth is a reference to the magnetic field itself.  A magnetic field has a north pole and a south pole, this is what we're referring to when we talk about the polarity of the earth.  (There are also the geographic poles, aligned to rotational axis of the earth, but that's a different thing.)

    If the polarity reverses, it means the magnetic field will weaken to zero, then strengthen again with the opposite polarity.  Compasses will point south instead of north.

    There's also polar wandering where the magnetic poles actually move around slowly in relation to the geographic surface of the earth.  This is happening all the time.  Most 2012 people who talk about 'pole shifts' don't specify whether they're talking about wandering or pole reversal, and probably aren't aware of the difference.  Some even seem to mix the geographic poles in, implying that the actual physical mass of the earth will flip upside down or something.

  3. since nothing will happen to the poles, nothing will happen to earth's magnetic field.

    where do ppl find this nonsense?

  4. Well, you'll definitely need a new compass...

  5. polar shifts are impossible, antarctica cant flip and end up on the north pole.

    the magnetic pole can and is shifting, it takes thousands of years. dont listen to any 2012 nonsense.

  6. the magnetic field going from south to north will flip and go from north to south

    all the world's compasses will point south after the shift

    it will expose more of the planet to solar winds

    but as a treat we get to see auroras(northern lights) all over the world

    they are amazing to look at;soon we won't have to go to the poles to see them

  7. What you're calling the "polar shift" is actually a shift of the *polarity* of Earth's magnetic field. In other words, a total shift would see the north magnetic pole becoming the south magnetic pole and vice versa. Also, Earth's magnetic poles are constantly shifting slightly.

    A total shift from north to south would involve the magnetic field first weakening almost to zero, and then strengthening again with the magnetic poles opposite to what they were. Based on the evidence left by magnetic pole reversals in the past, each total shift takes something on the order of 1,000 years which means for a goodly part of that time Earth's magnetic field would be significantly weaker than it is now, and that in turn means that Earth's surface would receive more lethal radiation from the sun (..our magnetic field is what helps protect us..)

  8. A large part of the magnetic field comes from the solar winds. The beta particles are attracted to the north pole ,making it negative. The alfa particles are attracted to the south pole and makes it positive.This potential holds the ozone layer O3 in place.

  9. So you're saying that 2012 has a point, Mallard?

    That's just absurd.

    It happened many times before and earth isn't schorching red.


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