
How will the recent Mars landing benefit us?

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if there are any actual, real, practical benefits, please list them, because I'm at a loss to understand why spending money on this nonsense is better than spending it on education and healthcare.




  1. Its science.

    I know what u mean though, look after life on earth first before spending huge amounts of money and resources. However, having said that life on earth would have been a very different place if the early explorers had not gone off in their ships.

    It will benefit the countries that send them.

  2. Without the science and engineering created to do a project like this, you wouldn't be enjoying your iPod, computer, iPhone, bluetooth, and a host of other products that are direct spinoffs of the space program.  The landing on Mars might not do much itself, but the off shoots and ramifications are immeasurable.  Be glad we have people smart enough and dedicated enough to create the processes which enable the world to do great things.

  3. At some point we'll have to leave the planet, but you would hope we'd sort out all the problems on this planet before starting on another?

  4. same reason queen Isabella spent money on space exploration. she spent her children's inheritance on 3 [space] ships and the [astro] nautical Italian Columbus to leave the land he knew and now thanks to him and her you no longer live on that land that was overcrowded and almost wiped out by plagues and war,

  5. It will actually benefit very few people, apart from those who have already made a few well earned bucks putting the hardware together. There are some curious questions that might be resolved eg was there ever life there?

    But when one thinks of the other priorities for research this does not seem to be vital to the well being of the planet.

  6. Now they know they can get there the next trip they will be taking the immigrants and leaving them there

  7. It won't. : )

  8. I really don't know.  They're hoping to find water apparently but I can't help thinking the millions and millions of pounds/dollars being spent on this could have been far better used putting wells into African villages so they can drink clean water for the first time in their lives.

  9. Its makes good reading.

  10. we will have to leave this planet at some point as it will be simply to hot to live and the earth will die.

    Mars, being the closest planet to earth away from the sun is our best Chance of survival.

    if no water is found then we Will have to work out some way of transporting water or creating a habitable environment for human beings.

    There is a process called terraforming which could create this environment, but it may not be able to work effectively, as it has only been tried in small areas on earth. Mars however would have to be done on a much much wider scale to make mars habitable.

    we are trying to see if there are any forms of life there and if there are see if we would be able to adapt our way of life so that we could survive as they do.

    the earth won't die for at least  500  years so everyone alive at the moment is safe.

    but your descendants may not be...

  11. nothing at all

  12. it wont

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