
How will the wizards do this upcoming year?

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everyone has them not making the playoffs or being a 7or 8 seed, but i still think that they could be a top 5 team with arenas back and willing to adjust his style of play.............




  1. If Arenas and Butler play at least 75 games they're top 5. But, these young East teams are creeping up...Sixers, Raptors, Hawks.

  2. I think they will Be 6th Seed Most of The Teams in The East have been better now.

  3. The Wizards should do fine. If they all can stay healthy, keep improving their defense, then they will most likely be a top 4 seed in the east. They filled their depth up by getting a 7,0 center in the draft and getting a ok point guard in free agency. The only problem they have is at the SF spot. They don't have a consistent guy to back up Caron Butler. And we all know that, that's the reason why Caron gets Injured every season here in Washington.

    He plays to many minutes. Hopefully Andray Blatche finally finds his game(which is likely after seeing his summer league performances) and McGuire get better. Or we can try to get Michael Finely.

    But with all that said all we have to do is stay injury free, and improve our defense and we will be a scary team in the east. Just look back at those 3 games we won against the Celtics last year. The first to were without Arenas. Then people said we he comes back they wont beat the celtics again because he will mess their D up. He came back and we still beat the celtics for the 3rd time in a row. When we play D like how we played against the celtics then we are one of the best team in the league, because we can score with anyone!

  4. with arenas next year... anything is possible... they still have a chance of being in the top 5.... yet the nets have a better chance of making the playoffs then the wizards do....

    but who knows??

  5. They will make the playoffs. But Lebron will destroy them :)...again.

  6. I think the Wizards are still a TOP 4 team. Why? The chemistry of Jamison, Butler, and Arenas is awesome! Its just that, last year, they were injured (esp. Gil). This time, barring injuries, I truly believe they can compete for the championship! Go Wizards!

  7. Yeah me 2...2 me it was only cauz of injuries...they didnt even have gilbert most of da season. so if every 1 is healthy dis team is a 5 seed team

  8. I think the Wizards will be the 8th seed in the East if they stay healthy. They really lost a lot when Roger Mason left them.

    The 76ers will be a top 4 seed because they now have Elton Brand and they signed Kareem Rush, they will become more consistent with Brand on their team.

  9. with raps and 76ers improved, its hard to say theyd be that much better standings wise, but if they can all stay healthy and play solid team d like they did last year they might finally get past the first round

  10. they probably will b 7 or 8th cause of the new competion

    76ers r contenders for the east now and so it raptors

    and the heat r gonna be great too now with wade back

    the wizards r gonna hav to make some moves if hy wanna still b a top east team

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