
How will this sound and how do i wire it??

by  |  earlier

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these are the subs

this is the amp

the subs are 8ohms so how do i wire it??




  1. well, youre wiring a single voice coil sub to a 2channel amp.  Bridge the amp (using 1 positive from one channel, and 1 neg from the other). It should tell you the appropriate terminals needed to bridge it.  Hook the positive to the positive post on the sub, and same with the negatives.

    However, you should know that the sub is an 8ohm sub.  That means that the amp will only be putting out about half of it's 4ohm rating.  (in general, double the resistance = half the wattage).  That means that the sub will only be getting about 100 watts, which is not a lot for a sub.  If I were you, I would either get a 4ohm sub, or a larger amp.

    Underpowering a sub can cause you to have to turn the gain up to make it louder, and can risk blowing the sub more easily.

  2. well,it should show you how on the box,does it?

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