
How will u increase the crop rotation in agriculture?

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how to modify the irrigation ?




  1. it can be attained by cultivating different crop in the field's and by refreshing the field using compost use the water resourse effectively

  2. I won't, and neither will you unless you own a farm or adopt a different approach.  Most farmers have been aware of crop rotation as a means of preserving land for over 50 years.  The ones who still do not practice rotation are convinced that they can replace the soil nutrients used every year by using commercial fertilizers.  there are probably also some corporate formers who regard land as a depreciable investment and therefore have no qualms about exhausting it.

    Irrigation is a separate matter entirely.  Even today, most farms are not irrigated, and now most States require permits for new irrigation.

  3. See for iculcating the idea of crop rotation proper knowledge about the benefits and need of crop rottation should  be inculcated at the grassroot level that is to say to the poor and needy farmer who are facing the problem of infertility of the soil, and of course the governmnt can proide the farmers with monetary help and training to those farmer who are practicing crop rotation .

    Irtrigation can be modified by adopting scientific method of irrigation .

  4. Crop rotation is a sowing pattern which is adopted as per nutritional use by diffrent crops. This is adopted as per need, region and climatic conditions and has been used in India since generations. Earlier our farmers used to sow different crop every year but now with irrigation facilities available we can have up to three crops but than we need to replenish the nutrients level in the soil by putting in fertilisers and compost (If you are doing organic farming only through compost).

    Crop rotation pattern has to be set keeping in mind the quality of land and available resources and if you have good irrigation facility you can take three crops every year but than it is not advisable since it deteorates the land fertility. Up to two crops every year is the best.

    By taking vegitable crop you can even go up to four crops per year with 90 days for each crop which includes sowing and harvesting including land preparation. I have been using crop rotation in my fields and it is:

    Year 1: Soyabean, Wheat

    Year 2: Urad / Moong, Gram/ Peas

    Year 3: Til (Or any other oil seed), Wheat

  5. Crop rotation is the practice of growing a series of dissimilar types of crops in the same space in sequential seasons.and 2 increase it u must grow the crops which riseup soon and the crops which we can cut soon.

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