
How will u spend the money u will get from the economy package?

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How will u spend the money u will get from the economy package?




  1. I am aiming to start my own business, and it would help with the initial startup fees.

  2. pay down some credit card balances... which is what i'd be doing if so much wasn't taken out of my paycheck to being with.

  3. pay for increased gas prices and food prices.....god bless america!

  4. I am going to buy plane tickets to Bogota, Colombia for my Christmas Vacation this year...

  5. Pay bills.

  6. Give it back to the income tax payers, because that's where it coming from, the poor working class of America.


  7. I am shopping of course that is what it's for........

  8. I'm not even thinking about it until I have it in my hands.

    There's too much of a chance the Senate will s***w around with it and President Bush will veto it and send it back.

  9. Provided we actually get one, I'm turning around and investing it in the Stock Market (I trade penny stocks)...

  10. I'm going to buy a bong.

  11. titties and beer.. *****

  12. In drugs, alcohol, guns and prostitutes... and the rest, i will just waste it!

  13. Bills , but i would like to go somewhere but i don't think that's a very good idea right now anyway

  14. Saving it for business school.

  15. I am still skeptical after Harry Reid started trying to earmark it to death in the senate.

  16. I will set mine aside to pay next year's taxes. You know they don't have the money to pass out to millions of people. It will have to be borrowed. This hand out is just a loan. Believe me, they will take it back next year. You would be better off not spending it.

  17. I am going to convert it all into EUROs before my dollars aren't worth a red cent!

  18. You mean the money that was taken from me and returned?

    s*x , Drugs and rock and roll!!

  19. With all the money I get back that is owed to me, I'm going to buy that bag of M&M's in the checkout row that has been calling to me for the past week!  d**n if those things melt in your mouth and not in your hands...........

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