
How will we be effected if the Arctic is harmed?

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If the Arctic Ocean and surrounding land is harmed, how will we in the U.S., and all over the globe, be harmed? How will it effect our day-to-day lives?

Thanks so much,

~~Ali. :)




  1. Al Gore is an expert on this subject and his Documentary

    won an Oscar. Google, YAHOO or .....

    "What movie did Al Gore win an Oscar for?

    That should lead you to a lot of info on The Effects of

    Global Warming on Our Environment.

    You may also research Princeton University to see what

    work is being accomplished there.

    Good luck, Ali. from pisa

  2. Well two things off the top of my head would be raised water levels and more rapid GW due to little or no ice to reflect back the suns rays. This means more droughts, flooding, famine, displacements, heat waves, cyclones, hurricanes, other aberrant weather patterns, and extinctions, even possibly our own.

  3. Here are some sites that should provide plenty of information for your project.

    Good luck.

  4. Well one thing I can think of is rising water levels. I read a recent article in the paper that if we lose our icecaps etc. and water levels rise as little as like 6 feet it could wipe out hundreds of huge coastline towns.  Also if we pollute up there and anything melts that is all going into our oceans.  Hope that helped!

  5. Students throughout the US will be forced to write reports on it.  When no problems are found, they'll be forced to create fictitious sources just to get a passing grade.  Students will graduate believing authority is always right, even if the facts state otherwise.  If you do not see the danger there, the harm has already been inflicted.

  6. How will warming in the Arctic affect the United States?

    Observed impacts in Alaska include the northward migration of treelines, increased melting of permafrost and the release of carbon dioxide from the thawing tundra, and changes in competition between species such as the arctic and red fox.

    How will warming in the Arctic affect the rest of the world?

    Climate change in the Arctic is expected to affect other parts of the world. The melting of ice masses in the Arctic could contribute significantly to global sea-level rise, and the addition of that fresh water to the salty oceans could change global ocean circulation patterns. Arctic tundra also stores huge amounts of carbon, which could be released to the atmosphere during a thaw, further enhancing the greenhouse effect and global warming.

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