
How will we help stop climate change?

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beacuse if people want to help stop climate change why dont they do they bit to help instead of sitting on there computer talking about it. i am doing my bit to stop climate change.

for example i dont own a car i always use my bike to go to places. i always recyle. i dont use my lights instead i use candles and the only thing i use in my house is my computer.

so why dont people stop talking and take more action.

if we all take bigger action to stop this then it will be achived.

beacuse if nobody is bothering everybody will just regret it.




  1. So, by your own admission you are contributing to climate change - you admit sitting there using your PC.

    Guilty as charged.

    Global warming is a myth created by politicians to raise taxes - it is well known that the earth goes thru a warming cycle every few thousand years or so.

    Why, not 25 years ago - the same scientists that re preaching global warming now - were saying that we were heading for an ice age. Where di that go then?

    Fact - ONE JET taking off creates more carbon emissions than my use of my car for a whole year.

    Fact - the allowing of trees to be cut down in rainforests worldwide cause more damage to the earth than use of my car ever does.

    You want to stop global warming - plant more trees and getonto the governments of the world to stop the rape of the planet by tree destruction.

    Then leave the rest of us car users alone.

  2. Recycling is great, and it makes us feel like we're doing something, but we can't stop climate change anymore than we can stop the wind from blowing or the rain from falling

  3. You can't stop climate change, unless you go on a quest to bung up every volcano in existence, or stop every earthquake, or calm every sea, the earth goes through climate changes, it is up to us to evolve.

  4. We dont wanna stop climate change, change is gd, it's interesting, yay, lol...or wateva, lol =)

  5. we can build a giant mirror and reflect the sun back into space

    or maybe we could trick superman into helping us by flying really fast around the earth.

  6. To stop the climate from changing would take on the prerequisite that we could stop time.

  7. maybe we can't. cows create methane gas, stop valcanos?

    don't drive any gas cars. walk  to work or take public transportation.  if you live in the suburbs you screwed.

    nuke energy is the biggest first step.

    once that happens, then the country is serious.

  8. Climate change is a fundamental part of how our planet works. It has happened ever since our planet had an atmosphere and will continue as long as we have one. Man made global warming is a political doctrine where the science is manipulated to fit the dogma. In an open society, you are free to believe in it if you want, but you have no right to impose it on the rest of us.

    We do not have the theoretical knowledge to understand the climate, nor the practical ability to manipulate it.

    Using our resources carefully and cleaning up after ourselves are good thing in their own right, but they won't make a scrap of difference to global temperatures

  9. Man can not and will not "stop climate change".  Don't let the voo-doo science fool you.  

    The Warmer's madison avenue marketing tactics for AGW have been brilliant, but please don't be one of those who fall for it.

  10. Global warming has stopped (at least for the last 10 years) is NOT my opinion; it is scientific FACT using the universally accepted measures used to record global temperatures. Even though CO2 concentrations continue to increase in the atmosphere, global temperatures have NOT increased in 10 years, so something is WRONG with the "greenhouse effect" theory.


    1.)From 1940-1978 there was a measurable global COOLING.

    2.) From 1980-1988 there was a measurable global WARMING.

    3.) Since 1988 there has been NO measurable global warming - the global temperature (as it has calculated in all 3 periods) has leveled off.

    Like them or not, these facts are NOT in dispute by climatologists. What is in dispute is WHY the global warming has not kept pace with the rising CO2 levels AND WHETHER the global warming will start up again.

    I am just reporting what I have read in various scientific journals on climatology.


    The fact is that the global temperature of 2007 is statistically the same as every year since 2001. Global warming has, temporarily or permanently, ceased. Temperatures across the world are NOT increasing as they should according to the fundamental theory – the greenhouse effect. Something else is happening, perhaps similar to the GLOBAL COOLING observed between 1940 and 1978.The period 1980-98 was one of rapid warming – a temperature increase of about 0.5 degrees C (CO2 rose from 340ppm to 370ppm). But since then the global temperature has been flat (whilst the CO2 has relentlessly risen from 370ppm to 380ppm). This means that the global temperature today is about 0.3 deg LESS than it would have been had the rapid increase continued.

    For the past decade the world has NOT warmed. Global warming has stopped. It’s an observational fact. *** From article in the by David Whitehouse, Ph.D. in astrophysics

  11. We are Technological so advanced that we can put this plan into reality in Fact Immediatly.

    All we need is Volunteers.

    1) Stop burning Fossile Fuels in fact Immediatly

    2) All Energy will be made from Water

    3) Foodproduction Everywhere in the World will be Organic

    4) We overproduce Organic Food so all Food will be Free

    5) A Global Ban on Weapons (starting with WMA)

    6) 3 months Holiday each year

    7) We use Solar powered pumps to pump Seawater into the desserts. There we let it sink and evaporate. This raises the Groundwater levels and initiates the broken Water Cicle.

    8) We regrow the Forest

    9) We regrow the Desserts

    10) We teach everyone to be self sustainable

    11) We make everyhing out of Hemp

    12) We eliminate money

    How does that sound?

    Would you be prepared to life in a peaceful Organic Society?

  12. tell the americans to stop being selfish and stop vetoing g8 moves to cut climate causing issues like emissions etc

  13. We cant stop climate change in clean in earth. We can clean in environment care in plant and recyle care for the air in tree. I learned We are people want to help stop climate change in earth. We are people realized in die or live in everyday important in energy water and energy solar. Many people not care in recyle. Many people government waring for the people put right everyting in recyle.

  14. Stop Climate Change.

    Well, that is impressive.

    Warmers must be very popular at parties.  

    For example:  "Hey It's a little hot in here, have a Warmer come change the climate."

    Can they stop the earth from rotating, stop the sun from shining, move things with their minds, too?


  16. The best way in theory would be to get the largest nations to make changes in the way they are conducting their lives. If you look at it, China and India have higher populations than the United States, and if they aren't even willing to consider the possibility of any change there really isn't much that we can do.

  17. The Gobal warming issue is a natural happening and there is nothing humans can do to stop it.

    Earth has gone through it in the past, we will go through it again. We were cooling a few years ago, heading for an ice age, now we're going to melt the polar caps.

    In the words of Shakespeare, "Much ado about nothing"

  18. recycle

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