
How will we know tht its time to wear spectacles?

by  |  earlier

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see my eyes are burning after every 10min.........should i go to check if i need to wear spectacles?




  1. By getting a check, and finding out how much improvement is possible.  That doesn't mean you have to have glasses at that point: it's up to you to decide in the improvement in sharpness, comfort or fatigue is worth the cost/hassle of having glasses.

    I've had people with astonishingly poor vision, who weren't troubled because they had no idea what it could be like.

    Q: How do you instantly ruin every knife in your kitchen?

    A: Buy a new knife.

    Of course, in such a case, people suddenly feel their eyes have got worse,  They haven't, but the standard of "good" will have suddenly shifted.

    "Burning eyes " could be a range of things, but they'd all be checked at a full normal examination.

  2. So sweet how you posed this question, if your eyes are burning after 10 minutes, you really should make an appointment with an eyecare professional, be it an Ophthalmologist or Optometrist... Leave the matter of spectacles for them to decide if indicated, but burning in the eyes every 10 mins. is concerning and corrective lenses (spectacles) may not be the first course of action.

    Perhaps consider seeing your physician first to evaluate what's going on.  Burning of the eyes really isn't a symtom that you need Spectacles.

    It's when your vision becomes blurry or it's difficult to see things close or far away that refractive correction is a probable treament of choice, but with your symptoms, I'm more concerned about something else.

    I wish you the best.

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