
How will we obtain lasting peace in this world?

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How will we obtain lasting peace in this world?




  1. we are not stable as humans that why there's no lasting peace.The next step of our evolution is to become super humans or to regress to the animal condition.

  2. Peace is not an object to obtain and hold. It must be free and willingly thought out by each. To best experience peace, become peace with yourself and it will emanate from your center, out to the world.

    There are many people who think answers are outside of ourselves when in reality it comes from within. Focus on the self, heal yourself, know yourself, and you will find your answers to all that you wish to know.

  3. When the Lord comes back will be the only way that I can see.

  4. There are a lot of people, and a lot of outside forces in this world. So, I believe we need to worry about obtaining our own inner peace in our own world.  Because regardless of all the tragedy, fear, and hate in this world, you don't have to live your life scared and in anguish.  Love yourself, and this life you are living. Don't let those things outside yourself effect you.

    Thanks for reading!

  5. Simple, stop fighting, but the human condition doesnt allow us to stop fighting. So therefore lasting peace cannnot exist

  6. I I am actually quite concerned about obtaining a lasting world at this pace.  (more seriously:)

    "Peace" is a very interesting word.  I believe it was one of the watch words after 911.  Anyone who used the word "peace" had to necessarily be a terrorist.  For the powers that wanted war, peace was an anathema.  

    But "peace" does not only have to refer to something that is opposite from the state of war.  It can also be the opposite of being nervous or upset.  It can be a state of being relaxed.  

    I was once taught to begin to meditate by chanting, "Let me be filled with Peace..."  It was like a prayer.  Since that time I understand a distinction between this inner peace and the outer peace of the world at large.

    Someone may always want to fight a war or a neighbor somewhere in this world.  I can't always know about it let alone change what is going to happen.  It is hard enough sometimes just remembering to take out the garbage.  

    Perhaps though the one thing I have the most right to change is myself.  If at some time I don't wish to be upset or angry or nervous, I can choose to practice a way of inner peace.  With enough practice I can hope that it will last.  

  7. When each person could maintain looking inside him/her self and starting from him/her self............not solely pointing out at others and waiting ...

    Usually wisdom hides in simplicity

  8. Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too.

    That about sums it up I think.

  9. We can't. Unless God will return and judge the living and the dead. and reign in the world.

  10. Having global peace conferences.

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