
How will we overcome pollution and global warming? How will we solve this problem?

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Science, the pursuit of concrete knowledge, will be vitally important to meeting the challenge we have been presented with. Wisdom, another kind of knowledge, will be needed too. Studying science and technology doesn't mean sticking to the same way of doing things, but it means experimentation, taking chances, look for alternatives. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we discovered a way to live without having to us cars, planes, or trains? You can think of it like a game; let's see how we can meet the needs of the most people using the least resources necessary. With so many people in the world, their would be plenty of manpower for a new kind of society; there would be more than enough manpower; people might find it hard to find work, so what needs to be developed is a sense of community, responsibility, charity, and sharing; I think religion will help with that. How do you think we will meet this challenge?




  1. oh the global warming issue, everyone seems to think its man made, but it is a natural proses of the the planet, yes we as a species have speeded it up, but in the long term it is something that will happen and (this is the important bit ) cannot be stopped, don't forget that we are still in an ice age, a (period of time when there is permanent ice at the poles) and when the ice has gone a there should be a stable period before the next period of planetary cooling takes place and a new ice age will start, the whole debate about "saving the planet" should be turned to what can we do to adapt as a species so we can adjust to a warmer planet and higher sea levels.

    so if your worried about global warming don't, be more worried about the survival of the human race, the planet will heal itself but will we as a species be around to see it?

  2. Religion won't solve the problem.  Science is the only way to overcome the effects of AGW. We need to change the way we use enegy. We need to find and use alternate forms of energy that are non- polluting. Most of all ,we need to help EVERYONE on the planet how serious this problem really is!  

    No more silly arguing about opinions or beliefs! Extinction is FOREVER! Do we want to take that chance?

  3. We won't meet the challenge, we will be presented with a new challenge of how to adapt. As the Earth periodically heats up and cools down in cycles, it is inevitable that some species will be lost and some will adapt. All the known species on the planet at the moment represent something like 1% of what has lived on the Earth.

    Global warming just means we will have a different range of species and weather conditions to what we have now. And then the world will begin to cool down towards a new glacial maximum and everyone in the future will be worried as they are now! No question that humans are increasing the rate of global warming, but if you think that we are more powerful than the Earth system, you're wrong. The Earth will cool itself again through negative feedback loops. 1 example: more oceans from sea level rise will give rise to more marine species capable of fixing carbon into calciferous shells and some will photosynthesise, drawing CO2 into the biosphere resevoir.

    Unforunately due to ourselves being so efficient at reproducing we have over-populated the Earth and the Earth will inevitably level us off and there will be a lower human population in the future. Its just the way the Earth works.

    Read about the Gaia theory, its an interesting perspective on things if not a bit strong in places.

    (Extinction is forever, but are you really that sad about the 99% of species that ever existed on Earth that have become extinct? Humans didn't wipe them out)

  4. Its going to take EVERYONE to make changes... and I think getting everyone involved is going to be an even greater challenge. Beleive it or not there are people in this world ( I know a couple of them personally ) who dont care about pollution or global warming. I mean yes, if one person stops doing something or changes how they do something, it makes a difference. But in order to make a big enough difference..... its going to take everyone. Basically I think its going to be teaching our children and our childrens children about the problem of pollution and global warming, its going to be them that have to fight it. Create an awareness in them. I think our time is a lost cause.... there are too many money-hungry, power- hungry, selfish people who are too set in their ways and wont change. I know what it is I am trying to say.... but I dont know if thats how it came out. :)..... Basically...... we need to get through to the future generations.... they are the ones who are going to make the differnce, not us.

  5. only thing we can do is control our own growth..

    we control the growth of every other species on the planet.. why not our own???

  6. Man does not determine whether or not the Earth warms or cools.  The Earth's climate cycles between the two....regardless of man....always has...always will.

    As for pollution, we can all be a bit more responsible by recycling.  You (not me) might also consider:  No charcoal grilling, no campfires, no 4th of July fireworks, no missle launches for space exploration, no cruises, no water skiing, no trips to Disney World, no school field trips, no attending educational institutions beyond walking range, no Olympics, no NCAA championships, no NASCAR, no Indy 500, no Climate Conferences to resort locations in Bali by the 'Man-did-it' Global Warming alarmists.....etc.  

    Get my point??

  7. Its going to take a lot of bubble gum.

  8. global warming is a complete fake and no real scientist would say its real without a maybe sorta kinda or if could might in their sentence. click and read the information in this link

  9. India, China, Mexico City, Russia and the US, must cooperate.  But, they are not going to.  Therefore in the next ten years, water levels will rise throughout the world.  New York, Miami, and others will build protective walls to keep the water out.  Killer hurricanes may prevent that from happening.  

    Did you know that 80% of the world's population lives within 50 miles from the ocean?  When the water rises, how far inland will those people go?  How many thousands will die?  Will the deathy toll be in the millions?

  10. People know that by decreasing pollution will help meet the challenge, but some people don't take the chance to stop. It will take everyone to help. They'll be Millions of companies to shut down, so many Eco-friendly cars to make and other millions discoveries towards helping the environment!

    We _can try_ to at least decrease it  but we can't stop it.

  11. It seems to me that it will require a major change in consciousness to deal effectively with the problems at hand.  We have to be willing to make sacrifices in our llifestyle despite the fact that there will be no immediate reward for doing so.  This concept appears to be beyond the scope of most Americans.  Still, some progress is being made in that many more communities are offering recycling options on a larger scale, we now have better options when purchasing more economical and lower polluting vehicles, etc...

    What Americans need most is motivation to do the right thing.  People must be convenced that using public transportation is not so bad and can save money.  We can follow the example of countries like Denmark where most people can afford cars but choose to ride their bicycles most of the time.  We must see the value of using non-disposable bags when doing our shopping and learn to conserve and recycle all the reusable products which we buy.  We also need education so that we are aware of the issues involved and learn how we can live a quality existance without being addicted to consumerism.  

    You make an interesting point about the role of spiritual values and how that effects our progress.  If we care about one another, if we are loving and cooperative human beings, then it becomes second nature that we behave in a mannner which is moderate.  We will support each other's growth and create a healthier environment for all of us to live in.  We will follow the example of those who make sacrifices and who offer rewarding options to the consumerist mentality.

    Thank you for your thought provoking question.

  12. we will never overcome pollution because alot of people dont care about the environment people will keep polluting until we all die of global warming

  13. the world as we know it is all ways been doing these changes and will do it again and again and we will have to learn to change with it or die ,as always  only the Strong will survive.

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