
How will we respond to Russia's total betrayal?

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I'm not interested in Russian responses and government propaganda.

You obviously cannot be trusted, and every word that comes out of your mouth will be a lie.




  1. Carefully and with measured thought - I hope. I think George may have learned from Iraq the consequences of rash and ill considered action. That being said there are a number of things we can do but only a few we should do.

    1. Answering force with force = bad idea that will not work.

    2. Stop the rhetoric visa vis - Russia  = old Soviet union etc etc.

    3. Get The UN behind a motion to force both parties to withdraw to pre-war lines - but allow time for orderly withdrawal.

    4. Tell Shakasvilli he's a silly b*****d and if he provokes Russia again we'll throw him to the wolves.

    5. Analyize the reason for the Russian invasion and decide if policies such as ICBM missile shield deployment could provoke another incursion into another ex-soviet satellite state

    6. Decide if we still want a state as unstable as Georgia in NATO

    7. Decide if we want to sell advanced anti-aircraft weaponry to Georgia as a deterrent - and whether or not that will provoke further Russian aggression.

    8. Get our own house in order - withdraw from Iraq. Concentrate on Afghanistan.

    9. Any new administration should make serious efforts to rebuild the bridge with Russia - however unpalatable that may seem.

  2. BARTLEYC,  UR DAD IS g*y, thats y u happened :D

    Ok guys, if you dont know what are you talking about PLEASE STFU :D

    First of all

    Russia, Georgia, Osetia and Abkhazia signed a PEACE Contract in '94 that says Russian peace keepers will keep peace in the region until problem is solved, however, 90% of the Osetian population holds Russian citizenship, if Hawaii ( Part of US ) were attacked would US go in there or Bush would say: Hey there is no oil in Hawaii s***w 'em ?!

    And second of all

    If you have territorial issues you cant join NATO, well looky here, Georgia's got three regions around itself, it wants 'em back but they dont, they are not even GEORGIANS, they're Osetians and Abkhazians, which is same as Spanish/Latino/Portugese ( for those dumb F$#@s ) so take it from here, Georgia wants to join NATO but it cant i guess uncle BUSH gave a good suggestion which killed over 2000 innocent people,

    and Third

    No one broke into GEORGIA, their terrorist president and his lunatic army destroid Chenvali which is the city/village right inside of the Valley, fully loaded ( with AMERICAN weapons ) Georgian army shoot the f%$# out of the Chenvali over night killing over 2 thousand people and now Mr. Saakashvili is crying? I mean give me a break you lil p&ssy,

    and Fourth,

    Have anyone seen any pictures from Osetia? You all forgot about it thanx to co$ksucker CNN and FOX, do you all know whats going on there? They have over 60 thousand refugees in RUSSIAN Teritory right now, Why BUSH doesnt want to help Osetian people? Why is he sending humanitarian help to GEORGIA ONLY??? Because Osetians hold russian citizenship?

    I feel sorry for georgian people who are suffering because of their terrorist president that they cant remove ( There is no democracy, and if you check the records there were 2 attempts to change the current president however american money helped Mr. Saakashvili ) I have nothing against them so please leave RUSSIA alone

  3. I think NATO should do it's job and handle this - the U.S. is not the "world police" - that is what NATO was created for - and it would be nice to see them step up to the plate and actually do something "unified" for a change.

  4. Who has the propaganda? Only you. Human Rights Watch even admits Georgia was undertaking ethnic cleansing of the Ossetians until Russia drove them off.

    Georgia started this. Let Russia finish it.

    Смерть к всем которые убивают беспомощное.

  5. Russia's g*y! There probably will be war. Of course most like likely what ever is going on in iraq  they will probably want to help russia since we would be fighting russia. Also cuba would back russia since thier communist. WW3

  6. war.

  7. So Russia betrayed U.S. since when were they supposed to sit and watch their own people being genocided in Ossetia!!!!! Unlike U.S. they took action!!! u call this betrayal?

  8. Sam is pretty much 100% right. Russia is simply doing what is right.  

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