
How will we solve the Gridlock traffic problem of Los Angele's, Ca?

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stop and go, car pool violators, somethings got to give ......... we need solutions now! substations? something!




  1. How about tax rebates for subcompacts, motorcycles, bicycles, electrics, etc.

    Same with parking,  it should be closest ot he building, handicapped, electric, motorcycle, subcompact, compact, full size, and stupid size,  and enforce these violations with tickets.  

    that will make people smarter. yup.

  2. 1. Enforce the immigration laws.

    2. Stop spending all of our tax money on everything but roads and highways.

    3. Encourage flex work hours and off site work places. We have the technology to make it work.

    4. Come up with a realistic plan for encouraging ride sharing and the use of public transportation. The programs we have now don't work and could be fixed. Just making fuel more expensive isn't the answer either.

    5. Design roadways that flyover or under physical objects like hills and are representative of where the traffic destinations really are. In down town LA the east/west corridors are choked and there are no roads to alleviate the mess.

  3. Throw out the illegal aliens.

    I heard that during "Day without Immigrants" traffic was actually much lighter there...but I don't know that firsthand because I live in Ohio.

  4. There is only ONE way. Build elevated monorails or trams above every freeway, so that we can travel to any city in L.A.County without using a car.

  5. The only reasonable way of solving the gridlock is to build a good public transit system that people can use.  New York is 4-5 times as densely populated as LA and the traffic isn't nearly as bad, because they have alternatives.  But in LA they manage to build one new rail line every two years or so.

  6. From what I have heard about traffic out there, I don't think that it will ever get solved. I had a friend that worked out there for several years and he transfered back to Ohio and he said never again, not even on vacation.....

  7. more roads

  8. You can always use little spaceships like in the Jetsons. Ha. That would work if it wasn't shot down because someone thought it was a terrorist/UFO.

    I have some awesome ideas. :)

  9. Everyone get a motorcycle

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