
How will you be marking The 10th anniversary of princess Diana's death?

by Guest61244  |  earlier

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How will you be marking The 10th anniversary of princess Diana's death?




  1. by not giving a ****

  2. Since she was not a member of my own family, i will be getting on with my life has normal.

  3. Sleeping.

  4. Totally ignoring it

  5. i will be marking her death by playing my 360 i will be thinking of her as i blast the **** out of a stalker on bioshock lol

  6. I'm going to have my friend drive me through a tunnel at 80 mph with no seatbelt while a carful of other friends take pictures.

  7. With fond memory of the lovely princess.

  8. spending time with my family, never met her so have no feelings towards her.

  9. Working

  10. Ignoring it.

  11. Nothing whatsoever. What's the magic in round numbers?

  12. by not marking it!

    where was all the fuss when mother teresa died? and look at the contrast in their physical and spiritual lives.

    so many mothers, children, fathers, babies, die each day. why are they not recognised? her death is no more significant than theirs.

    blessed be


  13. It's sad she died just like it'd be sad if anyone died but why do there have to be such big things for it all the time she was just a person like anyone else.

  14. Pretty much what I did when she died.  Say, "Oh, well" and move on with my day.

  15. She was no more important than a little kid dying of starvation in the Sudan, or a child killed by a suicide bomber.

    Do you think she was special because she was married to the prince?

    Royalty....Bah! humbug!  what a farse.


  16. WGAF ?

  17. is anyone else bored with all this rubbish, i mean she died 10 years ago, why dont people just move on.

  18. Hi!

    We marked it yesterday be unveiling a sculptur comissioned by a Muslim refugee who wanted to remember his son (murdered by "Christian" militia); thank our city for providing a welcome for the rest of his family and others fleeing violence and make a statement about cooperation between peoples of different faiths, cultures and philosophies.

    "Spirit of Love" was inspired by Mother Teresa, a Christian who grew up among Muslim's and who deicated her life to Hindu's. She too died ten years ago and had met Diana.

    Our unveiling was attended by the arch-bishop of Kosovo and religious leaders from many faiths; heads of state and local people.

    I met Diana when she visited one of my projects. I never met Mother Teresa, but I wrote to her for advice when I was setting up a project to work among homeless people and s*x industry workers. She never wrote back - but one day five young men came to see me. They were Mother Teresa's Brothers of Charity. She had sent then to set up a base in my home city and told them to come and see me as I may need some help. They helped for the first two years until we had fully trained other volunteers and are still working among the marginalized in our city these twenty four years later. Needless to say, Brothers of Charity were present at the unveiling.

    I remember Diana with affection as a caring person, but I remember Mother Teresa, who I never met, as someone who was practical in her compassion.

    Good wishes.

  19. I wont, I didnt know her and I have more pressing issues closer to home like how to pay the rent and feed 2 kids  next week, something the royals dont have to worry about. I will be jobhunting. It is a shame she died, but I wont be mourning, I dont have the time, sorry!

  20. Doing absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. As she would have done to mark the 10th anniversary of my death.

  21. I won't.  Thanks for the points!

  22. like any other day get up go to work and in the evening go up the pub why is it so special

  23. Will be thinking of her and her sons.  She was a beautiful person, much maligned by those jealous of her looks, personality and charisma.  How Prince Charles could have carried on an affair with Camilla whilst married to her I will never know. I just hope he never gets to be King as I think he is a weak and pathetic man.  If he wanted to marry Camilla all those years ago he should have stood up to his family and done it, not wreck the life of such a lovely lady.  Will also be lighting a candle for her.  Sad that others don't feel the same, hope you do.

  24. By avoiding, as much as possible, the news reports.

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