
How will you convince someone who is young and addicted to alcohol to stop destroying them self ?

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...... when they are aware of the full consequencies and feel helpless in trying to get off the booze? Could there be any possibility to permantley detox in order to regain mental stability?




  1. no matter how hard it hurts, pretend not to care. Let them know, thats an adult problem which was created by them and has to be resolve with adult actions by the creator of the situation.                            

    Absolutely no detox, it only lets them know theres a quick fix and could be used any time.

  2. well if rehab isn't an option....

    well this person is im guessing theres something in their life that they have an emotional attachment to besides alcohol, once she realizes that booze jeopardizes the other things they really wants in her life theyll most likely drop it. I'll take time but you should make them involved in stuff they enjoy and want to pursue that will need to have them not drink again...does he/she like to sing or write or anything like that?

    they probably reside to alcohol because he/she likes the feeling and its fun at their age. Clean up their act. not only in the authority figure kind of way, but give them the things she needs to become what she wants to be entirely. you should give more information

    sorry if i said SHE alot in this just reminded me of me and i used to drink a lot too  so i immediately took a relation to it and i assumed it was a girl you were talking about. lol

  3. i wish all you young whipper snappers would quit.maybe a bottle of the good stuff wouldnt cost so much

  4. Take them to an AA meeting and have a look at real alcoholics and what it does to them and how low they get. Have a look at people that have lost every thing. Homes, kids, money, husbands and wives.The only person that can help is them selves.

  5. It is impossible to own anyone else's addiction and you need to accept you can not change what you do not own.

    You can only tell them that you care and that they need to own their own addiction. They alone have the choice to feed it an make it grow or nurture other things in their life and make them grow instead.

    If they are interested they can seek help from Drug and Alcohol counsellors, Alcoholics Anonymous, or their local doctor. If they choose to not act on this information all you can do is let go.

    Sorry I can't sound more positive but I can say from personal experience that owning someone else's addiction and taking responsibility for it will not help them and will eventually destroy you.

    I wish you and your friend the best of luck.

  6. you can talk to her but more than that nothing you can do,

    she needs to help herself !

  7. You have to understand that you can MAKE anyone do something that they are not ready to do.  You can present the consequences but in the end a person had to be ready to change.  Some times it never happens.

    There is not a procedure that is called "permanently detox."

    Detox means to become clean but all it takes is one relapse and the cycle stars all over again.

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