
How will you cope with the death of a pet.

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just had my dog to vets shes now 14 abit blind and deaf, but now she has stiff legs and a lump on her rib cage, shes not suffering wouldnt let her but i dont relish the thought of one day maybe not that far in the next year,having to have her put to sleep, so if you have had the misfortune of the loss of a family friend how did you cope. thank you .




  1. Don't be afraid to greeve the lose of your pet, pets are part of the family and it is like loosing a family member. i have had 4 of my cats die from cancer and things like that in my lifetime and i found out that it is easier to deal with the pain until it goes away. this may sound weird but crying and being upset for a day or two helped me feel better.

    good luck and i hope your dog gets better!

  2. my auntie's dog had to be put down because it had a cancer lump.

    I loved that dog i still do like i loved my cat that got ran over and just left in the street and my guinea pigs that died of a heat wave last year but i suppose you just move along with your life yeah its hard at first because your just expecting them to walk though that door or cat/dog flap but life goes on. At least they had a great life tbh. And there's nothing much you could do to stop them from dieing.

  3. I am sorry about the health of your dog but we are all getting older every day.  It is never easy to loose a pet but when they are gone you have to think about the great and wonderful things about them and hope that they were happy spending their life with you and their life was better because of you.

    It is like loosing a member of your family but over time the pain goes and you move on with life.  Then you can start thinking about getting a new dog and giving it the best life you can.

    Just don't let your pet suffer just to keep them around, that is very selfish and you are thinking about yourself and not your pet.  Just love her for the rest of the time you have together.

  4. when the time comes it's more difficult for us than our dog.  i give my pets as many extra treats as possible.  when at the vets for the last time of their life i usually give treats while talking to the vet.  then i give my pet their last favourite meal while the vet is getting the needle ready.  then i hold them until they are asleep.  you can then bury them at home or leave at vets.  all this time i am crying my eyes out.  yes, really.  a fully grown adult.  then remember your happy times together.  the loss fades, but never really goes away.

    remember they will be with all other dogs in heaven ( not fighting)

  5. If it should be I grow frail and weak ,And pain prevents my peaceful sleep,

    Then you must do what must be done, When the last battle can't be won.

    You will be sad, I understand. Selfishness might stay your hand.

    But on that day, more than the rest, Your love and friendship will take the test.

    We've had so many happy years ,That what's to come can hold no fears.

    You'd not want me to suffer. So, When the time comes, please let me go.

    Take me where my needs they'll tend. Only stay with me until the end.

    Hold me firm and speak to me. Until my eyes no longer see.

    I know, in time, you, too, will see, It is a kindness that you do for me.

    Although my tail it's last has waved, From pain and suffering I've been saved.

    Do not grieve it should be you. Who must decide this thing to do.

    We've been so close, we two, these years......Don't let your heart hold any tears

  6. Sad to hear she´s unwell.My dog is old as well and I lost one 7 years ago,and it was very sad.Took me a while to get over it.

    Have a good cry! It's okay and normal to get those emotions out in this way. Once you suffer the loss of a loved one, everything seems to remind you of it. Empty food bowl, unused collar, almost everything strewn around the house will remind you. When you're ready take everything that your pet loved, and put it in a bag. You can put the bag in storage, or bury it along with your pet. If there is an afterlife, your pet will be very happy that he has his toys.

    Give your pet a nice funeral. Say some special words that recall the wonderful things about your pet and put some flowers on its grave; just as you would for a family member. You can even order a suitable memorial stone over the internet. Try to bury it in the place where your pet had the most fun. For instance, if they had an amazing amount of time at your beach house in California, bury them there. This will make you feel better about it, because they will live on in a place they once loved.

    Take it easy for a week. If you are prone to eat obsessively, or watch a lot of TV, etc., when you're upset, try to stop yourself. Instead, imagine you can talk to your pet mentally. It works surprisingly well and will provide you with some comfort. Remember to stay active. If you go into hiding for a month looking like a twig, you'll probably come out more like a squash if you don't exercise.

    Prepare a scrapbook of all the fun you and your pet had together. Put in a picture of it with its birth date, death date, favourite foods, toys and any other details you want to include. It's a nice way to remember them and will help you to recall the good times. Consider using their collar to hold the book closed. It's a nice decoration, and will remind you of all the fun you two had.

    Design and upload a web page memorializing your pet. Have a comment section for people's sympathy. This is a good way to make friends with those who have suffered the same loss.

    Take special care of your other pets. They will feel the loss too. But don't overfeed them.

    Hope it helps,and I hope you can stil enjoy your dog a long time.But when the time comes,do not let her suffer.And try to be there with her when she passes away.

  7. Isn't it the most awful feeling? I can sympathise with you.There is no easy way of getting over the loss of a dearly loved pet, I found that time helped but I got a rescue dog as soon as I felt I could and that did fill the huge void left.You obviously love your dog, just make the best you have of the time left with her

  8. It's like losing part of your soul,we love them,care for them and then when they go it's heartbreaking.When she passes make sure you grieve,let your emotions out,that way you can heal.14 is a long life for any dog be grateful for the time you have,and remember the good times when shes gone.

  9. i react badly to losing my pets:(

  10. It is really hard but 14 is a good life for a dog.  It sounds like your dog is really suffering.  When you feel that she is suffering you need to do the humane thing.  You won't want her to die but you have to think of her.  I lost my cat this winter to Pancreatitis.  He was only five.  For the first week I thought I would cry forever.  I missed him so much.  I just remembered all my happy memories of him and looked at photos of him.  I have since gotten a new cat.  It wasn't a replacement because I could never replace my Sylvester.  I still miss him so much but I smile when I think of him and I don't cry anymore.

  11. Don't let anyone tell you that they're "just" a pet. Don't feel ashamed to grieve.

  12. Last year my dog had to be put down. I cried so much for about a month. My dog lived to 14 and I think that's a pretty fair age. I will never, ever stop missing her but it's a part of life. You will never stop missing somebody like that but although you try to hide it, you can never stop missing that loved one. :( But remember, when your dog does go it's nice to remember the good times, not the end, how she was. And it's nice to know they're going to a lovely place with all the other great doggies. It's never nice to see them suffer, but when you feel its the time, do whats right.

    But take some time to think about all the decisions first. It's a long process.

    I'm sure you will make the right decision x

  13. It's ok to be really sad about it for a long time. It would be even worse to have to put your pet down, that may be coming soon for my dog as well. In the past I only have really had 2 pets died, for one I was very young and I just cried and cried until I felt better. For the other, I knew she was an old cat (21) and had lived a very long and happy life, but in her later years you could see she wasn't feeling very good and we were going to put her down but she died before. It was very sad but I felt good that she wasn't in pain any more because she was such a good cat that it was hard to think she was hurting.

    I say, try to be happy that they aren't suffering any more, but it's completely ok the cry for a long time. Pets are our friends and having a friend die would be terrible. Plus some times you just have to cry and cry until you have no more tears, and by that time, hopefully you don't feel as sad.

    Sorry to hear about your dog, I know what it's like because of my current dog.

  14. My dogs had to be rushed to the vets a few times this week, they think its a slipped disk and if the operation doesn't work she'll have to be put down.  Its so horrible, she's only 8.  I have never lost a pet like this before, I don't know what I'll do if she has to be put down.

  15. i moped around for a day or two but after that you have to go on with life. get another pet. thats all you can do. sorry about your dog : - /

  16. just remember the good times and when you feel sad remind yourself that you gave her the best life you could give her! greive as much as you like and ignore the people that say its stupid because its just a dimb animal! i know how hard it can be.

  17. about ten years ago we had to have r pet dog put to sleep to simlar reasons to yours but she was 17 years old it i got over it  but i have'nt forgot  about  her she always in my mind and heart brok

  18. my cat mischief was put down over 3years ago, he was 18 and i had known him my entire life.

    I'm still not over it,

    and just because they are an animal, i felt like they were a family member and its not shameful to cry :]

    i just remember them and laugh at all the silly times.

    hope it goes well :]

  19. i lost my dog in january she was 16 and she woke up from her sleep blind and she was suffering really bad so we had to put her to sleep i went to see her put to sleep i found that, that helped me cope knowing she went comfortabley but it depends weather you can cope seeing someone or something dieing. you find its harder as time goes on because you start to miss the daily things you usually do for a dog. to be honest there no real way of how to cope with a death beacuse everyone has there own way. its been nearly 6 months now and we still miss her loads.

  20. we had to put my dog down coz he bit my cousin i got over it pretty quick im not the griving type of person . i just move on  

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