
How will you describe an Ideal Househusband?

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What is ideal behaviour & chores for an Ideal Househusband?




  1. Rule #1 Deny you are a man

    Rule #2 To prove it get it whacked off.

    Rule #3  Walk and talk like a girl.

    Rule #4 Sit around all day watching soaps and eating bon bons. Well, it's what they say about us female housewives.

    Rule #5 Paste on some cones; I think you know where.

    Rule #6 Wear pearls and heels all day long.

    Rule #7 Be a weak willed sap. Well, they say that about us female housewives; too.

    Rule #8 Act and be helpless. This is said about us female housewives and I don't steer you down the wrong path

    Rule #9 By all means be a limp rag in bed.

    Rule #10 gain a whole bunch of weight.

    Rule # 11 Be a bore

    Rule #12 Gossip on the phone all day.

    Well there you go.

    Edit@ Misan...:  Face facts the guy's a wuss.  Deep down, and even on the surface no woman in her right mind wants to be with a wuss.

  2. The ideal househusband does not have to be subservient to his wife anymore than a woman should be subservient to her husband.  It's all about striking a balance in this role, if a man should choose to accept it.  Unlike most of the people posting here, I don't see anything wrong with that.  If a woman has the choice to be whatever she wants, then why couldn't a husband choose the same?

    I would personally ask that he take over some of the duties that I prefer not to do.  We would have to decide from the very beginning who would do what instead of figuring things out as we went along.  That could only result in a dangerous miscommunication.

  3. pretty much anything that a housewife does, obviously

    laela - lol > are you describing yourself? (and other SAHMs)? that's not really doing much to promote a positive image of women that stay at home!! :-)

    molly - and i thought you 'loved' men. obviously not most men though, only those that fit your prejudices.

    princess - the more i read from these people, the more i see how entrenched they are in their prejudice and bigotry. lots of them do seem to be american, but there are some wonderful americans here too don't forget :-)

  4. one who picks up after himself,and sits quietly in the corner ;)

  5. that is disgusting and twisted. go wear her panties too

  6. Essentially per the ideology of post-modern feminism it is best to accept yourself as a defective entity and accept that you are incapable of normative behaviour by virtue of your genetic substrate.  Simply admit that you are defective and behave in a highly feminine fashion, engage in self-destructive behaviour and espouse hatred toward those in disagreement with feminist ideology.  Essentially become eunachoid and this will appease most post-modern feminists.

    Certainly attempt vasectomy or ideally chemical castration as these are regarded as virtuous attempts to avert implantation of a parasitic entity into their bio-incubator without said entity obtaining a proper munipal permit for such domecile (aka the foetus) and this will further appeal to the post-modern feminist.  Continue to demonstrate homosexual and feminine behaviour and/or tendencies in defiance of your otherwise natural proclivities and again you will find favour with the post-modern feminist who will likely take some measure of pity on you as you will conform to its ideology.

  7. I don't think that you can describe that; it would be like me asking you to describe your ideal housewife.  Each couple (preferably before marriage) should discuss the behaviors and chores that would make the marriage ideal for both and then come to an agreement on what will work for both.  Though generally if you think of a househusband I guess he should do what a housewife does; right?

    Who would want one? Well the women I know who look for this in a man are independent business women, some of whom own their own companies and would like to have their children raised by a parent.  If a women can solely support the family then why is it wrong for her to look for a man who would fulfill the requirements such as cooking, cleaning and child rearing?

    So much negativity about the possibility of a man doing a traditionally female role?  Yet these are the people who would insult feminist saying that they are looking for special privileges over men and yet because they don't like the thought try to limit male choice.  Whats wrong with that?

  8. I wouldn't mind a house husband, if he spends his time doing something productive. A man at home all day has the time to build additions onto the house, I assume that after a while we'd have a pretty big place.

    I'd want him to know how to work on cars so that I wouldn't have to go to a mechanic, a bit of knowledge about computers would be a plus also.

  9. Nothing about a househusband is ideal..... I find it repulsive.

  10. What the ****! Who want one of those?!?!

  11. The chores would be the same as the chores from a housewife, his behavior, hopefully happy with that situation.

    Taking care of a house is just a chore that someone has to do.  Our work life changes all the time, sometimes one of the partners perhaps stays with no work or goes back to study, in that case the partner that has more time at home, becomes the "housepartner".

    There is/was in here a very intelligent contributor that was taking care of the baby  and working from home, while his wife was going out to work. Also, today, there is a lot of "real" work that can be done from home thanks to computers.

    Talking about an "ideal" in this sense for me sounds more like a commercial ;-)

    In todays world, where one income is not enough, I see relationships like a companionship, it is a team that works together, which plans together and part of this planning is how to organize all those tasks that have to be done. The division of work inside and outside home, benefits everyone. So I believe that the "ideal" Househusband would be a man, that understands that if his wife is working more hours than him, that there is nothing wrong to contribute his time to the daily chores of a house.

    I have been in both situations, having a very good payed job, while my partner was unlucky to find one for some years. So he would cook and take care of the house. Years later the opposite happened, and it was my turn to cook dinner. It is just one of the daily tasks someone has to do, nothing else.

  12. I find the first responses utterly disgusting. How can a house husband be 'repulsive'??  In the UK it's perfectly acceptable, what's wrong with you americans??

    If the woman is the full time worker then I guess the 'ideal' house husband would do the majority of the chores in that 9-5 day.

    But behaviourly he should be confident in his abilities, happy with his situation.

    Just because you are a house person doesn't mean you are a mindless drone. I have great respect for anyone who will stand up for what they believe in despite the obvious mocking of some people.

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