
How will you drive to work,school, etc when the oil runs out?

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Or how do you envisge your future ancestors doing so when it runs out in their time?




  1. Get back on a horse.

  2. It's not going to run out.  It will get more expensive and the economy will adjust.  Hopefully this will stimulate our government to build a good transit system.

  3. I'll probably be dead by that point

  4. Electric cars

  5. Oil isn't running out for another hundred years or more. So I should be fine. I'ld be dead by then.

    Don't argue about when its going to run out with me either.... I work for a Oil/gas manufacturer.  I know.. now im hated.

  6. biofuel

  7. if you want to see the future look to the past before oil. you walked, electric cars arn't the answere since it takes fuel to generate electric. there are no easy answeres

  8. 10 miles an hour in solar powered cars

  9. I'd use my pins of course, they'd have to expect me to be late..... aLOT!!

  10. I could easily ride my bicycle to my workplace, since it is only about 3 miles.  I'm a truck driver, so I would not have any work to do when I get there.  I would need a career change.

  11. cars with sails, or more probably wind/water powered elctricity generators and trolleybuses

  12. Space craft.

  13. My future ancestors? Am I to be reincarnated? Like, my son will be my grandfather, kind of thing?

  14. it wont run out

  15. Leg power!!!!

  16. there is no indication that oil is "running out".

    The USA has oil in Alaska, off the coasts, and in shale.

    It is just a matter of getting the simpleminded anti-American minority to stop blocking what is best for the USA.

  17. I'm looking for a job close to home now!!!   E

  18. the same way we do things now..there will be oil for thousands of years...they are also using other things as possible fuel..we will be just fine...besides..electric transportation is being used right is coal fossils...i am more concerned about human life than i am about oil

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