
How will you know if your ready to get married?

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How will you know if your ready to get married?




  1. When you know you love that person and will be with them for the rest of your lives.

  2. The pregnancy test will come back positive.

  3. if you were ready you wouldnt have to ask;

    youll be ready, when the time is right.

  4. Seriously, you do not know. You just do it. However there are important questions to ask such as, will i be able to handle that person's face every morning? lol...or....what if we cannot have children? or what is that person looking for in his or her future? or what are the goals for both of us? or are we matched sexually? or is that person is supportive? (not economically, because at the end money does not really matter in a marriage), etc....because if you have any doubt about those questions, i think you need to rethink about getting married....Those are some very important questions you need to ask your partner before considering marriage.

  5. when i'm still single lying on my death bed, and realize i aint got no family or anything to collect my $2500.00 death benefit from c.p.p!! why the h**l should i let the gov't off the hook. i will marry anyone just so they can have the cash.until then no ball andchain for me quit believing in love long ago. marriage is a lie to get 1/2 your money and stuff, as well as a better name. my first 2 had really stupid last names, mines cool.

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