
How will you react if someone told you they r SCHIZOID?

by Guest61751  |  earlier

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my highschool batch has a friendster account and i was wondering if i put schizoid there in the about me section,what will they think about me or i just keep it to myself....they notice i was always alone and a silent type during highschool. i just found out that i am schizoid when i went to nursing psychiatrist diagnosed me but i know i fit the description. i was once slandered as mentally ill way back in high school because i am a loner that is why i want to explain myself now by putting schizoid in the about me section but i am curious and afraid of how they will if u r them how will u react. real reaction...pls reply and thanks for the reply.




  1. I wouldn't care if they said they are schizoid, lots of people are. However, self diagnosis is a dangerous road to go down. Also, you've probably already seen what the reaction from people will be with the answers given, they are going to think schizoid is really schizophrenia and not a separate disorder.

  2. you dont have a mental disorder, nor know what its like to have one. stop diagnosing yourself. its stupid. i have schizophrenia and its not something i like boasting about online to everyone.  

  3. The only purpose a diagnosis serves is to prescribe treatment.  Without treatment, the label is meaningless.  If you believe that you have a personality disorder, then work with a psychologist with expertise in that area on evaluation and treatment.  Sorry to put this bluntly, but unless you are a psychNP, you are not qualified to diagnose anyone let alone yourself.  

    So, to answer your question with a question, why would you put something up that you don't know is true, and even if it is, that you are choosing to do nothing about improving?

  4. When I first came across the word schizoid, my immediate reaction was "I better look this up because I don't know for sure what it means". I hate making snap judgements about things I am not fully informed about.

    I personally don't care for the word "disorder" associated with SPD,  differently ordered maybe, but not disordered. I don't think anyone has to fit into a box with everyone else.

    Use the word on your page if you like, but most will misunderstand, just like you see from your answers here. Most people DO understand "loner".

    ps. If you truly are classic schizoid, why on earth do you care what people's reactions are, and why do you need a label?

  5. Are you a qualified doctor with the degree of psychiatry, no you are not. You cannot diagnose schizophrenia alone! The pathology of a schizoidal personality doesn't even resemble a bit of what you've mentioned. Even at my experience I would dare not try to spell a condition on anyone without  a doctor alongside. Get away from the dramatics you've been seeing on T.V. and get with the issues. Also yahoo client, personalities have nothing to do with schizoidal frequencies. They do not have split personalities. Read more and study maybe you will be the next Sigmund Freud!

  6. I would have to say if you aren't ready for the almost guaranteed criticism you will get from putting that in your profile then keep it to yourself.  You being in high school and all I would lean more toward the keep it to yourself side.  

    If you are a bold solider and are ready to answer all the questions and such many much like the ones that have already come up then by all means go for it.  

    If you choose to say it on your profile than be ready...because once it's on there and someone see's it you really can't take it back.

    I have personality disorder...mostly cluster B and C..a touch of A....schizoid included.  I don't mention it. That's is something that is just between me and the people I am closest to.  I consider things like that to be on a need to know basis..ya know.

  7. how do you know you are schizo if youve never been diagnosed? If you really do feel that you are, then why dont you go to the dr and get diagnosed so they can put you on meds? Are you still in nursing school or are you a nurse now? You really shouldnt be taking care of patients if you are truly schizo and NOT on meds, you need to get that clarified. You might find out that you arent and you have been beating yourself up over nothing.

  8. Um, no. That is a very bad idea. There are many preconceived notions people have of schizoids. They confuse it with schizophrenia, and judge you immediately. I have only told two immediate family members, and they both still don't understand fully and think it's the same as schizophrenia.  

  9. If you were not diagnosed by a psychiatrist, then you don't really have a diagnosis.

    You can put whatever you want in the web site I guess, but you don't really have a diagnosis of Schizoid Personality Disorder (if that's what you mean).

    It's probably just some kind of excerise in nursing school to help you understand some ideas about mental health, but it is not a reliable source for any diagnosis.

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