
How will you react to people who insult you because of your opinion?

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sometimes, people tend to insult other people because of their opinions without understanding it...

i believe it makes you frustrated..

but how will you deal with that kind of situation?




  1. Well, if someone asks what I think and then responds that way, I just ask them why they wanted my opinion in the first place. They never know how to respond.

    If I'm part of an overall discussion or meeting where everyone is open to give an opinion, I'd tell the person insulting me that if he or she can't open his or her mind to what someone else thinks then he or she simply has no place in the discussion.

  2. I dont get fustrated at people with a different opinion of my own. What I do get fustrated with is the insults. You can have a different opinion to someone without being nasty.

    At the end of the day, I dont know anyone here, noone here is my friend. This is a place I come to every so often to find some information or share information.

    The trick is to ignore those people who are nasty. If anything feel sorry for them! To not be able to accept differences in others and to be so judgemental and to have to insult people I think is pretty sad.

    Take it all with a grain of salt. When you turn your computer off, you leave all that fustration right here. Dont take it away with you.

  3. If my opinion isn't valued by someone and they start insulting me, I just remind them that we really don't have to agree, we are both entitled to our own opinion and then I change the subject.  I used to try to argue my point of view, but it's senseless..  too often, two individuals will cling tightly to their original opinion even if deep down inside they believe the other person's argument has merit.

  4. When people insult you over your opinion, instead of using arguments, that means they have no argument.

    So: when people use insults, this means they automaticly lose the argument.

  5. I usually have a sarcastic, yet witty, comeback - you have to either shut them up or shut them down (by turning your back - literally - on them)

  6. Interesting question.

    I take a deep breath. I ask them questions so I will understand where they are coming from, what makes them respond that way to my opinion...and I show them that I listen. Of course this is easier said than done and I admit I don't always successfully do this, but I think responding in the same way they did (insulting, less respectful) won't do any good.

  7. i know i'm right so it doesn't faze me

  8. I would react by just being semi-friendly and saying, "And how come you believe that instead of what I think?" But if it really starts to get ugly, then I would just say, "You know what? This is just a waste of time talking to you, who obviously doesn't respect other people," and walk away.

  9. I feel frustrated but for a moment only. I  choose to respect their own opinion too.

    In case, they say something offensive to me, I dont minded them as long things won't get physical.

  10. such people are either conceited jerks or they simply dont under stand ur point.

    da best and hard thing to do iz to swallow ur anger and be a better man about it by politely explaining ur self.

  11. You have to deal with them on a case by case basis,  bearing in mind all the while that everyone is entitled to his own stupid opinion.

    My drinking uncle put it this way:  If you're right you can't go wrong.

  12. I have a really annoying line That I like to use:  Put up your index finger and say "Hold on to that thought" then walk away

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