
How will you remember dianna princess of wales?

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i will remember her love for life and her people she was a true princess cried when she died and watching her funeral




  1. Why are you posting this as a question and not allowing for any difference of what you think ?Montgomery is allowed his opinion.

  2. I will remember her as everyone liking her and saying how pretty she was but I never thought she was pretty.

  3. as a woman with a lot of humanity

    maybe not aymore princess in UK or in canada

    but as princess in the world humanity

  4. I will remember Princess Diana as a woman with love in her heart for the common who despite her troubles, took the time to show compassion for others.

    Today, I wrote an entry in my blog about Princess Diana as my way of remembering her. I will do just as I did back in my 20s, ask myself What Would Diana Do? and then try to conduct myself with decorum and poise as befitting a also remember to show compassion in any way I can for those less fortunate than myself.  I will also, at every opportunity, correct and admonish anyone who continually tries to desecrate her memory,too

    May Camilla the queen of the homewreckers rot in h**l!!!

  5. Diana was one of the most gifted women in the 20th century

    Single-handedly she

    1) torn down prejudices about AIDS

    2) raised awareness of eating disorders

    3) shook up the monarchy and modernized it

    4) campaigned for the abolition of land mines in Angola

    5) destroyed the stereotypical "stiff upper lip"

    6) Offered a beacon of hope to those in need

    7) Embraced multiculturalism by having a muslim as a boyfriend

    Not bad for a woman who said she was as "thick as a plank"

  6. Why would I be bothered?? We do not hold 10 years memorials for anyone else; so, why is it done for her?  Her family are more than welcome to hold one in private..just don't inflict it on the rest of us.  Media is continuing to make money out of her and it's disgraceful.

    She had a privileged life; more so than oher people who has to work hard to get a decent living.

    Why don't we care about the living instead of having a sobfest over her?

    What about the poor orphans all over the world who are living in really difficult conditions?  At least, William and Harry will never have to worry about what to do for a job just to get a decent living.

    Let her rest in peace and stop dragging her out every so often

    to open the wounds.

  7. Unfortunately I'll always remember as the ex-princess that the press milked for every drop and are still milking away 10 years later...

    I'll also remember that she was the mother of the guys most likely to be our future monarchy, however much I dislike them.

  8. She had a good heart. She wasn't a knockout beauty but she had a lot of grace about her.

  9. As a sad, mentally ill women who dragged our beloved Royal Family through the mire.

    Thank God we now have the gracious Camilla who has helped to restore our beloved Royal Family to its most noble place within our great Empire!

  10. twisted metal

  11. I will remember her for bring the royal family in touch with the real world.

  12. How will you remember Mother Theresa?  Surely she is more worthy of all this adoration

  13. A publicity junkie.

  14. she wasnt all that. a lot of ppl didnt like her when she was alive. She got around a bit too.

  15. As someone used and abused who tried to use the same weapons but lost out against greater odds.

  16. in a lead box

  17. I will remember her as a true humanitarian and the only member of the royal family who cared about others.  She reached out and tried to make a difference in the way people treat those less fortunate.

  18. A bit of a slapper, it's got to be said.

  19. Wow! Didn't realize you all felt this way, Brits!  Here's my American opinion:  I always admired her as a gracious princess.  She radiated a charisma that the Windsors deperately needed, and if they took her on for breeding purposes only, it seems they certainly could have respected her for filling the purpose and appreciated the results.  I've lost almost all respect for the "royal" family over this situation, and now, I guess, British people in general.  I've always hoped that Camilla never comes within spitting distance...  We've all lost loves who certainly would have been better off with us, but when they marry someone else, it's bad form to poison the marriage or kill the bride.  Evidently Charles and Camilla deserve each other.  I'm sorry.  I used to respect Charles.  Is there anyone across the Atlantic over there that we American kids can look up to?

  20. As a unique person there will never be another like her, I had a wee cry over Harry's speech today.

  21. I remember her as a shy young girl who blushed every time someone looked at her! I felt her embarrassment and my heart went out to her. I remembered my self being exactly the same at nineteen, but I didn`t have the world watching me.

  22. ugly wedding dress

  23. Nothing happened to Diana that has not happened to other women the world over for aeons of time.

    She was nothing special, only a priviledged person who grabbed the lime-light when she could.

    Charles did not want her, he was already betrothed to Camilla, who, in my opinion is a beautiful, caring woman. Charles was weak to marry Diana, but he had to because royal protocol decreed that he should.

    He should have stood up for himself and married the woman he loved, Camilla, never mind what the public think, it`s nothing to do with anyone else.

    Would you be dictated to as to who you could marry and who you could not?

    Long live Camilla.

  24. as a blonde

  25. She was good people, but not the best mother in the world as her son said, good mothers don't have relationships out of marriage.

  26. Always on holiday (without her kids).

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