
How wise is it to jump to conclusions when you are not in full possession of the facts?

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How wise is it to jump to conclusions when you are not in full possession of the facts?




  1. Not very wise, but how often have we done it.....

  2. It is not always wise but at times it is necessary. Otherwise you can spend so long trying to gather all the facts that you miss the boat completely and your conclusions are no longer needed.

  3. Silly question really because we are never in possession of ALL the facts.

    It does annoy me how the media convince people without any facts at all though.

  4. For those that read the red tops, a very common occurrence.

  5. It is obviously not wise at all.

  6. I can not answer this question due to lack of information within ,

    i would first have to be informed of its intended direction and purpose , please elaborate ? thanks

  7. Actually, that's not so easy to answer - most likely you will never (I mean never) be in full possession of the facts. You may think you are but when push comes to shove, there's always something you didn't know. Should that prevent you from reaching a conclusion ? Definitely not. You should reach conclusions after having collected as many facts as feasible under the circumstances and weigh them carefully. Be aware of your prejudices - like when you hear facts about people you like (or hate) you will not relate to them objectively and you will be biased which will impact the conclusions you reach. It's always good to take advice with others who may have different points of view or access to more facts. Last not least, when you are out of facts, don't disregard your intuition - it is a powerful tool and can help you in situations where you don't have much to work on.

  8. I think you should gather more facts BEFORE jumping to conclusions. talk to people. it is unwise if you just jump to a conclusion w/o consulting anyone... believe me... experience...

  9. It is very foolish!

  10. mos sensibel poeple dont do that on here tho most poeple are'nt bothered about fact's  just about being poppuler so if one off them says soemthing and clames its a fact the rest all follow lik nodding dogs

  11. Extremely wise.  It is clear that stopping to analyze (or, as you said, actually WAIT for) the facts can waste valuable time in coming to a conclusion.  This is especially when one considers that facts are just superfluous information, and half the time aren't even believable!

    If you are having trouble coming to conclusions because these "facts" keep getting in your way, perhaps you need a Jump To Conclusions Map (tm).

  12. Not wise at all.

  13. It is never wise to jump to conclusions even if you think you know the facts. Things are not always what they appear to be.

    People have a tendency to make the "facts" fit their theories and they are often wrong because we also have a tendency to think the worst. If their is a question in your mind it is best to ask the accused outright than to formulate theories from your own perspectives of what appears to be the facts.

    Example: Your boyfriend goes to the mall. His good looking shapely cousin (who you don't know) also goes to the mall. They meet and give each other a hug, talk for a long time and maybe have lunch.

    YOUR unknowing friend sees this. She is horrified! Chances are he will be accused of meeting some hottie at the mall behind your back, making out with her and taking her out to dinner.

    Fact he met her at the Mall

    Fact he hugged her at the mall

    Fact  they ate ate lunch.

    Fact your friend saw it.

    Was it wrong? No.

    Don't jump to conclusions - it's never good!

  14. Not wise...but hey, for some people, jumping to the only exercise they get! :)

  15. Depends on the context where the conclusion has to be reached, which you haven't supplied. And you don't define what you mean by "full possession of the facts." Without knowing both of these facts, I can't come to any meaningful conclusion as to the validity of your argument.

  16. Not very wise at all. It will give you problems if you jump to conclusion especially if it is your friends and family. The key is patient and listen to the story of both sides or 3,4,5,6 sides.

  17. Hi Quirk, i would say not wise at all.

    But then again i suppose some people - rightly or wrongly - rely on gut instinct.

  18. Obviously not.

  19. It's pretty stupid.  That is why the invasion of Iraq was regarded by most of the world as unwise.

  20. have i missed something again quirky ? xx

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