
How would America be effected if Obama was assassinated either before or after being elected president?

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There has been numerous reports of white supremacists or others planning on the assassination of presidential hopeful Barack Obama. I wonder if there would be a riot or something if he indeed died. If he was taken out before. I wonder how that would look on Mccain or effect his cause?




  1. It would be the same as the riots during the 1990's in LA or the ones during Katrina. Remembers, it's not the educated black man rioting because he feels that his race has been dealt an injustice, it is almost always the black man who has an arrest sheet and cares nothing for justice anyway. A little ironic that it is the people who don't have any respect for their own race that riot. This is because it is not the cause that they care about. They are embracing the opportunity to plunder, steal and rape women, black and white.

    Lastly, I really don't see how so many people are comparing Kennedy to Obama. He would be rolling over in his grave if he heard such things.

  2. Hillary would become the candidate and frankly that would BLOW!  

  3. Everyone always talks about where they were when Kennedy got shot.  I don't think this nation could handle an assassination.  I think it would cause a national riot.  Do you really want to have to worry every time you send your kids to school?  How about worrying if your house will still be standing when you come home from work?  I live in a prodominantly black part of TX but most people I have talked to are undecided.  

  4. It would not bother me one single bit, it might even make me smile, but it would be disatourous for this country so i dont want to see it

  5. That's a good question. America prides itself on being able to roll with the punches. I honestly think they would get by fairly easily. But I'm sure also that we would see a lot of ignorant people who use it as a reason to riot and or attack other people. Racism would show it's ugly head and that is sad!

    McCain will do OK if he plays it smart. One slip would destroy his career, and I'm not sure he is smart enough to do that.

    Numerous people will make this out to be about his skin color. But If Colen Powell or Rice were there, They would be even better than Obama. I really don't want to see him as the President. But I wouldn't want to see him killed.

  6. If Obama was assassinated, the dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. is still a dream. And Americans have no right to talk about Human Right.

  7. Gee, thats a doom and gloom thing to think about.

    First, i really doubt we will see that happen with any president. yeah-anything is possible but in this day and age things are so different than when Kennedy was shot. The Secret Service has came a very long way since then. It is practically a lockdown when a president comes to town. Every step is planned out well in advance.

  8. i would say it would depend a little on the shooter. eg white American=race riots

    middle Eaastern=his country been in the  stone age and loss of more civil liberties

  9. we'd be in good hands with joe biden.

  10. Well, it would be the same as if Hillary was elected, or McCain was elected, and got assassinated. Supporters would possibly riot, America's feathers would be a little ruffled and shaken, and it'd cause a stir.

    And if there are reports, the FBI probably already knew and took care of it. It's amazing how advanced they are, seriously.

  11. It could be disasterous.  Regardless of who you think shot him, the assination  of president Kennedy scared America and pushed it hard towards conservatism.  It's basically been responsible for the dominance of neo conservatism and the high security state which has been slowly transforming America (and by extension, the world) into the Orwellian nightmare it's becoming.

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