
How would Bill Clinton complete this sentence?

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"I'm Bill Clinton and I am supporting Barrak Obama for President of the United States because..........................."




  1. ...I did NOT ...HAVE... SEXUAL RELATIONS with that  woman...Monica Lewinsky....

  2. we can't afford four more years of McBush.  Also McCain is out of touch with Americans and doesn't know what it means to lose your only house.

  3. I was told to..

  4. When Bill gets up there, he's going to show the Obama people who the real politicians are. He's going to be telling this convention, 'See what you blew? You coulda had Hillary. This was hers, and you took it away for the dweeb!

  5.   Barack has promised to help us raise $20 million if I do this !

  6. He's the MAN GOOOOO Barack!

  7. "...Monica....its hard to concentrate when you're doing that! what was I saying?"

  8. I miss Monica!

  9. .........he's got a roomful of hookers waiting for me back at the hotel.

  10. I did not have sexual relations with his woman.

  11. I will do whatever it takes to make me popular.

  12. because he is a better man for the job than McCain is.  To bad we don't have more options, but between these two, it has to go to Obama.

  13. he is not George Bush

  14. It might finally get me a divorce from my frigid, sexually-repressed wife...

  15. if I don't, I'll never see the inside of that White House ever again.  2012, HEREEEEEEEE we come!"

  16. "...He's sure as h**l a lot better than McCain."

  17. he isn't a semi-literate, corrupt oil w***e?

  18. I would like to keep my image as a bigshot demo

  19. his ole lady has a nice rack.

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