
How would Canadians feel if the weather all year long in Canada was same as the end of August?

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And assume that this all-year round warm air only affected the urban cities and towns, so global warming would and the ecosystem would not be affected by this new climate.

Would Canadians like this? So it's like Low 20s Celsius and Sunny all the time in Ottawa all year and stuff.




  1. That would be great!!!!!

  2. No thanks! This Canadian quite enjoys our four beautiful seasons! If I wanted that type of weather, I would move closer to the equator.

  3. I wouldnt like it.  Definately something to be said for Seasons!  You cant fully appreciate heaven (summer) until you go through h**l (winter).

  4. I wouldnt like it.. the extreme seasons is what makes canada, canada. I mean I do love the summer.. but it's been way hotter than normal this summer.. in the mid-high 30s all the time and it just drags every last ounce of energy out of you.. but the fall in the maritimes is really nice, and is at just the right comfortable temperature, but I think that I would miss the winter too much.. I love the snow lol :).. and I wouldn't be able to take my sled dogs to work and my igloo would melt :( ahah

  5. Ottawa is a little bit colder than low 20s Centigrade in the winter.  I have lived there, and while it is rarely as cold as Winnipeg, for instance, which can hit -35 to -40 C in the winter, it is srill plenty cold enough to freeze the Rideau Canal into the 2nd longest skating rink in the land.

    If we didn't have winter, with the requisite snow, Christmas would not be the same.  There is nothing like outdoor hockey, tobogganing, snow-ball fights, snow forts, sleigh/hay rides, etc.

  6. I can't speak for other Canadians but I would love it.  And I suspect that all those thousands of snowbirds who head south for the winter would love it too.

  7. that would be cool, but i think after a while everyone would miss the snow.

    canada isnt canada without all that snow and all that shovelling and all that ourdoor skating and hockey, etc.

    and besides, the would miss the hot summer days too. every day with weather averaging the 15- 20 degrees would get so boring.

  8. no... I wouldnt really like it... I like the snow once in a while and I LOVE the crisp falls we have... mmm hot chocolate under a warm blanket

  9. I am a Canadian who has lived in the "paradise " called Jamaica, and it only took one year for me to move back to Canada. I couldn't stand the "Sameness " all year round.

    Of course my snowboarding skills were wasted down there, too. ( grin)

    Jim B. Toronto..

  10. I would miss the snow :-( Maybe I am one of the few but I like the weather the way it is now.

  11. UGH! I'd hate it. so friggen humid (at least around where I live) I don't breath well in humidity.  August in Niagara is like HIGH 20 to mid 30s depending on the day, add another MINIMUM 5 degree humidex on and there's our weather.

    I prefer May and October weather.  warm and cool breezes just love it.

  12. i used to live in calgary and now i live in texas with my family.

    and i can say that i definitely miss the snow.

    here it's always 35 degrees everyday in the summer and insanely humid.

    maybe some people would enjoy that, but i actually miss snow most of the time. especially during christmas.

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