
How would FOOD be produced, processed, distributed, & consumed 1000 years from now?

by  |  earlier

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Assuming, of course, that humanity is still around [on this planet]!

Do you, for instance, see the future generations enjoying Fresh Food and Drinking Water like we [or at least most of us] do today, or would they be on a strictly compact capsules and dehydrated space-like diet?

Or would they bypass food altogether and be nourished [somehow] by pure energy - kinda like plugging their bodies into The Grid to be recharged.

And what about the JOY of eating a GREAT RIB EYE STEAK, barbequed to perfection [make mine medium rare]? :-)





  1. We will still be around 1000 years from now. Food will be the same, just higher priced. People will opt for the cheapest food available.

    The major difference with food will be with the colonies on mars and the moon. they will eat compact food, some dehydrated, shipped from earth.

  2. Believe it or not every generation is getting smarter. The "Better Living Through Chemistry" generation is dying off now. The future survivors will be more in touch with the realities of their bodies and Nature.  

  3. soylent green

  4. I think the humans will still be on this earth a thousand years from now. And I think the food will still be the same. You just made me hungry with the steak. I think I will have one right now.

  5. My first apocalyptic image of the future was a McDonald's sign "OVER 100 TRILLION SERVED!", then I realized that it will probably occur within the next 100 years.

    I probably shouldn't let the cat out of the bag, but I have it on good authority that we are on the verge of growing market quality protein.

    Cattle ranches will be replaced with steak farms. In a thousand years maybe we will come to accept a field of RIB EYES. Make mine medium rare.  :-)

    Hats off to Banchee!

  6. hmm i think they would be drinking their meals becauze of food shortage and they probably figured out a way to multiply their food but i think they would drink all of their food becauze the food will last longer and not spoil

  7. If humanity doesn't get blown up in a mushroomed cloud anytime soon, then it will be around in a thousand years.  

    If it doesn't want to consume a capsulized diet as you described  it has better start saving on Earths natural resources and taking care of the environment.  If it doesn't, well then, you just might still be able to enjoy that rib eye stake.....I hear   they spotted cows on Mars.

    However after this question,  there is only one thing  on my mind   regarding food.

    In a thousand years from now will ants, wasps and sparrows be in existence?

    Because right now they are eating  my beautiful delicious grapes to extinction and I will not allow this to happen.  

    Will someone please find a way to "charge" and "energize" those creatures....I want my grapes all for myself...OK and my friends :D:D:D:D:D

  8. Interesting topic. Technology has rendered s*x unnecessary for reproduction, but we have not abandoned it. The answer is in your question: JOY. Food means more to us than nourishment. Even if we can plug in, or swallow a nourishment pill, we will only do it if it is necessary to survival.

    Thinking of food 1000 years ago, in biblical times, the fundamentals aren't that dissimilar. We have added an array of seafood to our meats since then-- crustaceans (lobster, crab, shrimp), and sashimi, of course. :-) Pizza is very new. Cereal, coffee, ice cream, soda, marshmallows and all manner of processed foods are babies on the scene. But meat, grain, and fruit are ancient.  

    In vitro protein is interesting, but it's too big of an "evolutionary" jump to be viable in the next few decades. After all, it's a muscle grown independently in a dish. It's exercised by electrical stimulation. People are repulsed. They won't accept it. First, we will see in animals the advances already successful in modified crops. Animals will be larger and metabolically engineered to mature faster.

    For in-vitro to become common, even in a span of 1000 years, it will also have to become necessary. We will do everything we can to develop technology that allows us to more or less continue as we are. I toured a nature preserve in Ohio that is breeding endangered species on land that was strip-mined. They've grown a prairie on six inches of soil. It's entirely plausible to replace farms with sprawling multi-story greenhouses or pastures.

    The other factor is that the food crisis is caused by overpopulation, and that may be ameliorated. Assuming McCain is not elected (thus fulfilling the prophesy of THE END in 2012), we will begin to colonize other planets within 100 years. Within a thousand years, civilizations will be well-established. Economics tell us the planets should begin to specialize. Perhaps Earth, in its entirety, will be our farming planet. With a lower population, Earth could begin to repair the damage Humanity has done. Those who remain on Earth will send "seed ships" full of plants and animal embryos to the other planets, and the people will light their nutrition cubes on fire in order to make their rib-eyes medium rare. :-)

    Of course there will be the odd few who worship The Grid, and believe all food is evil, but that won't be for 10,000 years. Food has its own evolution, and evolution is slow.  

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