
How would I become a Formula 1 racer?

by  |  earlier

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I love formula 1 and any other motorsport that comes to mind but I am only in my 4th year at high school and if I need any exams to become a formula 1 racer then now is the time. But is it a real career?




  1. you have to enroll in a course for it look it up on google i did have the details but cant find them it costs about £2000 a year

  2. Of course its a real career... if your serious about entering motor sport you need to get into it at an early age. If you get into Formula 3 you may have a chance of getting into the top Formula 1 but its a tough business and you've got to be very fit and have driven for years.....

  3. I think if you are in your 4th year at high school you are probably too late.

    Many drivers of your age already have over ten years racing experience.

  4. if your sponsored IT ISSS =D

  5. Driving in Formula 1 is definitely a real career... a very good paying career.  But one with very few positions (even if you include test drivers) in relation to the number of people that would like to do it.  As such, you have to be among the very best of the very best to have a chance... and while it might be possible, if you are only starting out in motorsports at the end of High School, you are most likely already starting much too late - similar to if you wanted to be a pro baseball player, but reached the end of High School and then thought, I should try playing baseball!  As already mentioned, there are very few available spots, and the people you will be competing against for those positions will already have years of experience and success.

    If you look at the current drivers in F1, many were already racing successfully one or two levels removed from F1 by the same age you are looking to get started.  Of course, if you are unnaturally talented, have lots of time to devote, and have lots of money (motorsports are not cheap), it is possible you could get upto speed and show something that might open a door for you.

    Driving ability and money are the two things that lead to success in any motorsports.  The first is some natural ability, mixed with seat time to build your skills (starting with go karts, and then moving up).  And the second is a requirement too, as even "cheap" racing is quite expensive (to run mid-back field in alot of spec series, expect to spend at least $10k/year, in addition to the cost of the car and your equipment, and any other costs connected to getting extra seat time).

    But if you are very talented and have success, you will attract sponsorship (but until you reach much higher up, this doesn't pay for everything, just helps cover the costs you are incurring as each level higher you move, costs go up dramatically).


    start karting now! All the F1 drivers on the grid today started when they were 8! Alonso started when he was 4!


    Karting is expensive!!!

    I mean Karting IS expensive!

    I used to Kart and race and everything. I was British champion of a couple of classes I even went into JICA (European class)

    E-Mail me at work if you want to know more


  7. first you should be a champion in a national karting, then after that you would be a International karting champion. after that some formula 3 or indy500 boss will invite you to drive for them, after that a f1 team owner will see you and impressed to you he might invite you to test drive. and after having a good test driving with the team you can now be an F1 driver...

    This also happened to:Juan pablo montoya

                                            jacques villenevue.

  8. Sorry but if you have to ask that question on here, then its to late for a career in F1

  9. My BF is a professional Formula 3 driver. He started go-karting at a very very young age. You have to have a lot of money to get in the field of racing and have some great sponsers that see potential in you.

    Good Luck x

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