
How would I become a riding instructor?

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I know that I'd need to go through the BHS but I was wondering what courses/tests I'd need to take? Do they require qualifications, age restrictions? I've looked on their website but it didn't seem that helpful.

Is there any other information I'd need to know?




  1. The BHS website can be a little confusing but all information you need is there.

    From this page, you can click on each test on the diagram on the bottom and an Adobe copy of the Syllabus will be displayed.  All age restrictions are listed for each test.  I believe fifteen or sixteen is the youngest you can start taking the exams.  

    If you have any further questions, they are fairly prompt at returning e-mail inquiries.

  2. i was wanting to become a riding instructor when i was younger and at the time i had to pass the following exams to become one

    bhs stage 1

    bhs stage 2

    bhs stage 3

    bhs prelim teaching

    this gets you a BHS AI  which means you can teach but at a low level.

    then you can do

    bhs stage 4

    bhs advanced teaching

    then you have a BHSII

    im sure you can go above this. i dont remember there being any age restrictions for passing but most people will take several years to get up to BHSII level.

  3. I think you need to be over 16 to start the courses.

    when i did it, you could do BHS stage 1 and 2 in a year if at college full time or you could do stage 1 in a year and stage 2 in a year if doing it in the evenings (2 hours in one evening, once a week - 1 hour riding, 1 hour theroy)/

    You do a theroy and riding test at the end of stage 1. after you have passed, you have to do a riding and road safety course and test which lasts 3 full days in total. once passed, you can then do stage 2.

    stage 2 is quite a step up from stage 1 - in stage one its just basic knowledge and equipment and riding, stage 2 you have to know how to prepare a horse for showing, clipping, farrier work, know the digestive system and the skeleton system. You also have to be able to jump a course of 2'6.

    At the end of stage 2 you have 3 tests, a theroy on digestive system etc, a practical on plaiting, clipping etc and the riding/jumping.

    stage 3 can only be done full time, not in the evenings - sadly i do not know much about this course as i only did stage 1 and 2.

    Then i think there is the preliminary tests to being an AI (assistant instructor) then you have to work 500 hours at a riding school/livery yard (or 250 hours if a BHS yard) then you get tested again (i think) to become an I (instructor)

    hope this helps

  4. the best way is to teach exactly as you were taught. you know that way best and that is what is easiest for you to teach, therefore you'll be the best of that

  5. First, get your riding license, then it will beprofenssinal.Then, open your own farm or get a job some where.

    Well, really all you need is a horse and advertisment.

    For unlicensed trainin, 10 or older. For licensed,18.

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