
How would I change something that I have internalized or have became natural to me?

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For this i want to be as honest as i can [I'm a thief, a liar, cheater, manipulator, and worst of all it have became a part of me or in other words its compulsive to me] i've gotten in a lot of trouble because of that with my family which means everything to me. i've tried in almost each and every-way to stop myself but as i've said it've became natural to me. At same time im not a bad person deep down inside, I'm just a soul whose intentions are good but because my actions speak louder then words it doesn't seem that. DOES ANYONE HAVE SOME IDEAS FOR ME???




  1. Well, clearly you need to over come your ways, and that's hard. Just really look deep into yourself. You need to see yourself doing these impulsive things, and see how it is hurting everyone, including yourself. Then, your next step should be to try and stop yourself. If you are about to steal something, stop, think about how it is hurting everyone, and quickly leave the situation. Then, you should seek professional counseling, that will help you over time to get rid of your actions, and become the good person you truly are.

  2. It is hard to change something just became natural into you. I'm sure you are a good person and I have no doubts about that as you seek help. Personally I would say start to read about religion and God and what we should do and shouldn't do, God's help is the best way to go back in in right path,  Good luck bro

  3. hopefully you are really ready for a change.. tired of being that liar, thief cheater.. etc.. but knowing what you've done is wrong and wanting to change is a good sign to a fresh start.

    Therapy is a great start as well. But not everyone can do that.

    so I think otherwise you have to be positive and make an every day effort to become the person you want to be. it won't be easy. Life long habits are hard to change.. but it can be done. Find positive things to do with your time. healthy things. doing physically things is a GREAT cheap way of healing the body, mind and soul. Helping others is also a way to give to yourself.. as you will feel more rewards in seeing how you've helped make others happy.. instead of feeling like c**p after deceiving others. you can Find groups on-line for support and hopefully friends to help as well. there is that also has a lot of groups. all kind.  

    you will also need lot of patience and understanding of those you may have hurt or deceived in the past. They are not going to trust you now. it takes time to rebuild that trust.You may have to prove to them through actions you have changed.

    I wish you the best and hope you can become the person you are in your heart.

  4. Seek professional counseling.

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