
How would I communicate with satan?

by Guest61982  |  earlier

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How woul I commnicate with satan?




  1. do bad things like taking drugs,kill a man,robbery,anything bad that will landed you two places: may rest your life forever living dead

    2.cemetery-buried and seemed no one wants to remember you.

    Satan wants your life miserable.If i were you,,,i will not do it.sorrow of sins comes late always.Try to communicate God by praying which make you away from satan,the author of all terror.

  2. If Satan does truly exist, I don't think it would be wise to communicate with him/her.

    Unless you are a worshiper of Satan, in which you would sort of pray to him/her as anyone would pray to God, I would think.

    Or if you are actually a Devil worshiper, you would know how to communicate with him/her, would you not?

    So if you really want to...research it I guess.

  3. Foolishly.

    Whether or not you believe in spiritual values, dabbling with the occult and with evil can have a bad effect on you psychologically.  Find something more wholesome to do.

  4. Are you crazy? believe me it is not a good idea.

    Don't do this, you'll regret it but anyway if it's out of curiosity he could always stick his *** in your thoughts!!

  5. Bit of a tough call - the only stuff I've found to do with contacting Satan in reference to demonology was a ritual in which you can request from Satan a demon to commune with, but that's not quite the same thing. And no, its' not stereotypical "devil-worship" either. In fact, I don't think "communicating with Satan" is possible in that sense. Afterall, demons were first known as "the go-betweens" for a reason.

    Blessings and Toodles

  6. Just talk to the devil... and he will come to you. Then when you start getting attacked and tormented by demons go to Jesus~!~! Your on your way!!!

  7. She is at work at th mo. Will tell her you called.

  8. I just saw him on TV giving a speech in Germany.  Boy those Germans really seem to like him which is really unusual for them.  I think the last time they liked a guy that much was that guy with the funny mustache.

  9. Something tells me that you already have.....

  10. call the white house

  11. try a oujia board and hope he's the one you'll be comunicating with and not some regular ur religion satanism?just asking.

  12. A Pentagram

  13. call the white house - ask for d**k Cheney

  14. I can give you his cell number i you want

  15. Sylvia Browne ?

  16. You don't want do that, rather you think you do or not. don't try.

  17. Go to h**l?  I'm sure Satan would love to talk to you while you burn. Try reading the Bible.....or maybe talking to God?

  18. I'm sure he knows you want to talk to him.  it's kind of silly to think he isn't aware of the internet or YA.  If he doesn't contact you I think it means he doesn't want to talk to you so it might be best not to stalk him.

  19. take alota acid while lookin at a pick of satan rofl i bet itll work

  20. Ironically the same way you would communitcate with god.  Pray, and make sacrifices.

  21. why would you want to talk to him?

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