
How would I find our AFS exchange student from Thailand whom I lost contact with more than 20 years ago?

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How would I find our AFS exchange student from Thailand whom I lost contact with more than 20 years ago?




  1. I might be able to help. Where are you from? Were you a host? There's an AFS Alumni here in Thailand called Thai Returnee AFS (or TRAFS). They are doing the alumni student address book right now. If you tell me the name of the student and the year that he or she visited, I can locate him or her through my Alumni connection or even contact the Alumni yourself. Email me.

  2. Google her name?

    My name and my pictures come up when I google myself.

  3. it might sound silly but have you tried facebook? if you remember their name then hopefully you could trace it.. i'm adopted but i found my cousin this way so it could be worth a shot. good luck!

  4. Maybe her or his sponsor still has some documentation on this person.  There is a lot of paperwork involved in the exchange student program.   Perhaps the AFS organization maintains some records.

    If you remember the school she was attending perhaps they have an address of of their old students.  

    Good luck.

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