
How would I find people to pay me for putting ads on my site and what kind of deals should I expect?

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I understand it all depends on the popularity, but if I get X hits how much would someone pay per hit? (I realise per hit will be a very small fraction of a cent, and depend on how many click on the ads.) And where would I find people willing to advertise on my site?




  1. There is sites like that sell ad space for sites and pages etc., you can go and sign up and read through how it works. It is pretty straight forward.

    You can also go with Google adsense where they pay you per click. That is where people using adwords use content search and theirs ads are put on other peoples sites that are relevant to the keywords they are bidding on, thus your site will have ads on it that are related to the subject of your site and when someone on your site clicks their ad you get paid.

    Good luck.

  2. Use Google Adsense, Find out more at

  3. First, let make sure that you're measuring your traffic right.  

    "Hits" is a meaningless term.  You need to count 'Visitors', preferrably 'Unique Visitors.'  You should also count 'Page Views'

    There are several ad networks you can apply to participate in if you have substantial traffic. (100,000+ visitors per month)

    If you have less than that you'd do well to start with Google Adsense while you continue to build traffic, since it can generate some income from even low amounts of traffic - depending on your niche.

    Small niche websites do not tend to do well with ad networks.  They pay CPM rates and you just don't rack up enough traffic to make things add up.  

    Niche sites can offer their own ad space though.  Create ad spaces and a page that offers them and let your mailing list and community know about it.

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