
How would I get an opiate in my urine if I am not taking and pain pills or eating bread with poppies?

by  |  earlier

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I have had three drug tests in the last three months. They all have came up positive for opiates. I was in the ER three months ago for a piece of metal in my eye, and the ER gave me one vicodin. Now three months later I am still testing positive for opiates. They asked me if I was eating any poppy seed bagels or bread, and I said no. Is there any other way to have opiates in your urine?




  1. Opiates -

    Substances or Conditions which can cause false positives

    Poppy Seeds

    Tylenol with codeine

    Most prescription pain medications

    Cough suppressants with Dextromethorphan (DXM)


    Kidney infection, Kidney Disease

    Diabetes, Liver Disease

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