
How would I go about asking a girl out.?

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so there a girl that I have fallen for, I have worked with her before and well pretty much know her. I don't have any problems talking to her, but when I want to ask her out everything falls apart. Know we are in college I have aplan but some help in getting other peoples out put on how to to ask. Was going to ask for lunch during school need more help




  1. Ask her in private out. This will keep release some stress of doing this personal thing in public. Offer her a good deal when you ask her out like "do you want to go to lunch, I have something special for you"....When you do ask her out, make sure you are well dressed, be polite, and wear some sort of fragrance.

    Best Wishes!  

  2. well, write her a little note telling her you wanna meet for lunch

    then when you both are done eating, slowly begin to ask her out on a real date. just take it slow

  3. Don't be shy and ask her out for dinner. Girls like guys who have confidence in themselves :)

  4. You don't...instead be alone forever

  5. Just come straight out with your feelings i understand that its easier said then done, but if you don't and she won't then who will?

  6. Go about it differently, Ask her as friends, Then you will be in there. Then she can get to know you. And fall in love with you. Let her know if she likes your outside, wait till she sees your inside. but dont say that. Say this, Hey, Whats up, Im going for lunch at so and so, Would you care to join me. My treat. Say it like a friend not a nervous nelly. that scares them away. it freaks them out."whys he so nervous, is he going to kill me or rape me. Thats what alot of them think. Be confident, Look her in the eye, SMILE! Tell her your buying, And she will go. and keep a friend mindset. Make her know you and she will fall in love. Personality does matter.

  7. "hey baby was up? lets get down and dirty and skip the small talk, ya dig?";... answer please i'm despreate

  8. think NIKE, if your smart you'll live by their words

  9. Just go to her and tell her that you are the prettiest thing in the whole world for you. Tell her every moment and every breath you take there is not one moment you never think of her.Then Kiss her. 90% chance she will embrace you. 10% you might get a slap. If you are heartbroken try doing this to another chick. I GUARANTEE YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL EVENTUALLY. There are too many fishes in the water,

  10. just ask her!!!

  11. as your talking to her say your going to lunch and ask if she wants to come along  doing this will make your friendship stronger and possibly turn into a relationship  

  12. Try that,u can buy her something and maby a few hugs before u start kissing.Or whatever u do ;P..U shuld relly approach her cautiously,but i wuld relly give u more help if i knew how everything falls apart :I


  14. hello there,

    please don't be nervous, we girls appreciate boys who ask us out, really.

    so, maybe you can talk to her in a more secluded place, where there aren't so many people around.

    start with some small talk, maybe about your work, or your classes, something that you both know will even be better.

    and then think of an event, or a cafe, or an activity, or anything that you'd like to take her to, and ask what does she think going to that place with you.

    when you start your speech, and feel like you're faltering, just say honestly and candidly that you're nervous. humor always works in times like these.

    girls value honesty and we like it when we see a guy getting nervous before us, u know? it makes us feel like maybe, just maybe, that we're precious =D (talk about vanity ..)

    and if you still dont get the courage to do it,

    stop for a moment and think,

    okay, this is the girl i know, she's sweet and all,

    and she knows me too,

    so why the h**l have to be worried?

    and if you stiiill dont have the guts to do it,

    stop thinking about yourself,

    instead think of the possible joy SHE will get if you ask her out.

    who knows, maybe she's dying for you to ask her out.

    and if that makes her happy, well, what more reasons do you have to hold back? :)

    i hope that can help you, even only a bit.


    so straighten up your back, take a deep breath, and go up to her.

  15. Try not to make it a huge deal.  You already like talking to each other.  Making it into a group thing will make it way less stressful.  Just go for it.

  16. well, next time your with her look for signs that she likes you, like maybe she blushes, touches her face/hair a lot, crosses her legs towards you, stuff like that. or maybe you can just tell. if she does, ask her if she wants to go to lunch or something and then when you're there, tell her you wanna go steady. she'll think its cute, especially if you give her a ring of somesort like they did a while ago, since people say chivalry is dead it would be a nice surprise

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