
How would I go about being able to rescue exotic animals?

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I did post this in the 'Science & Maths > Zoology' section. But I don't know which section would get me better answers, so sorry for the inconvenience.

I plan on owning and running a rescue shelter for exotic animals [and perhaps even domestic animals] when I end up "all grown up".

But I was wondering how I would go about doing this?

I'd obviously need a lot of room for all the animals I may have, and I'd have to have adequite [sp?] knowledge in the species.

But how do I start? I have a few years to go before I can even start looking into a place to settle for the 'Shelter', and I really want to start the process as soon as possible.

I know I'd have to obtain some sort of license and paperwork that says I'm actually able to 'own' the animals; but how do I get that?

Any and all information I could get about this would help me entirely.




  1. for starters, put on some tights and a cape.

  2. Maybe you should visited an animal shelter . See for your self. I'm sure they would be happy to answer alot of your questions.

  3. Its much harder than anyone realises.. you usually end up with hardly any money for yourself or personal life. Its NOT a job. Its a charitable thing to do, but you can't make any profit from it because 'adoption fees', 'donations' etc are for the animals only. So you may need to do part time work in something else to keep everything running. Well done for considering this.

    Ok, number one- you need to have a suitable place for the sanctuary. This comes before animals, licence and everything like that. It really depends what animals you plan on having. Lizards, snakes etc that are domestic will need an indoor room with heating kept at a constant (warm) temp. But if you plan on owning wild exotic animals, your place will have to meet so many requirements and the likely hood of you getting to help wild animals yourself is slim unfortunately. If you have a place (preferably in a rural setting) then next step is to go to a rescue centre nearby and ask if you can voluntary work there. This will be good for experience. Once you have more than enough experience, you can get your home ready as well as you can and maybie get your own exotic animals (if you don't already own them) and have them for a while and get used to it and fall into routine. Then you can apply for a license to rescue. This may (probably will) take a long time and you have to meet very specific requirements. Once you have your license you can spread the word. Tell local rescue centres that rescue mainly dogs/cats and maybie put up posters in veterinary clinics etc. Try to look professional and don't put up posters in shops etc. Let exotic animal breeders know about you, as they may hear of animals that need rehoming etc. If you have a license you may be able to get free veterinary care (but that would be a possiblity rather than a probability). Make sure you have enough room, cages etc and especially experience.

    The way you get the license depends entirely on where you live so check with your local authorities. Ask other exotic animal rescues how to go about it aswell.  

    Good luck!

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