
How would I go about entering my 6month old Shitzu pup in Dog Shows?

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I have a 6month old Shitzu pup and she is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL and shes very energetic and she has sooooo much potential i believe that she was born to be a show dog, she walks with such grace and he walks just like those dogs in the dog shows. She has that little bounce in her step! Im really interested in getting hr into shows but i have no clue on how to go about doing that. I live in memphis tennessee im not sure if we have dog shows or clubs or anything. Please give me sum good advice people!




  1. It's Shih Tzu, that's the first thing you'll need to learn.

    Where did you get your dog?  If it was from a Breeder, then contact the breeder and tell them you are interested in showing your dog.

    You can also contact the American Shih Tzu Club and ask them to help you find a show Mentor in your area.

    Is your dog registered?  If so, what registry?

  2. 1. You have to register her with AKC or the points from winning do not count.

    2. You can enter any dog show in the USA at this website

    3. Info dog is the easiest way.


    this is if your dog is AKC registered.

    If she is registered with any other club, google that club and find the local chapter in your area.

  4. Work with her around other dogs so she doesn't get overwhelmed/distracted during a show. Also get her used to strangers poking and prodding at her because: That's what the judge will be doing. Also make sure she walks well on the leash and most importantly find a good groomer if you're not one yourself. Hope I helped, good luck!

  5. Well, realize that are dog isn't necessarily show quality just because it "walks like the dogs on TV". What they are looking for in that "walk" is evidence of proper structure in the dog. Do you know what that is for the Shih Tzu?

    If you bought the dog from a responsible breeder who knows the Shih Tzu standard, breeds to it, and proves their dogs in the ring, they can help you get started in showing.

  6. To properly show your puppy must be registered with the AKC only and fit the Shih Tzu breed standard well.

    We have a 6 month old Shih Tzu and he acts like a show dog - does the walk, has good stance etc. however he was bought as pet quality and is not going to be shown.

    If your puppy is registered you might want to contact breed clubs for info on showing.

  7. Shows close 2 1/2 weeks prior to the show date.

    If you haven't done this yet you might want to get started in a nearby handling class immediately.  Sure the dog looks like she knows what she's doing, but how about you?  Handling classes will prepare you both for the show ring.

    Is the pup registered with AKC?  This is a must.

    Is the pup intact?  You can't show altered dogs in AKC conformation.

    Are you familiar with the breed standard?  Does the dog measure up?  Do you know how to groom the dog so it looks perfect for the show?  Do you have a collar/show lead for showing?  These can usually be picked up at the shows.  

    Have you worked with bait or toys?

    To enter the shows look up on AKC's events and awards calendar and select conformation and Tennessee to see what shows are coming up in your area.  You can choose one month, the next three months and I think the entire year.

    Decide what show you want to attend first, figure out the name of the show superintendent and go to their site to make the entry. IF they don't offer online entries you will need to call them to request a premium list and ask to be put on their mailing list.

    Some areas have more than one superintendent so you might want to contact all of those that super shows in TN and ask that they include you in their mailing list.

    After you make you're entry you will receive your confirmation in the mail that will tell you the show location, your ring and ring time, the number of dogs, bi+ches and specials entered for each day you entered the show.

    Get there about an hour early to acclimate yourself with the show sight.

    Consider picking up a catalog so you can see who your competition is as well as verify that you're entered in the right class.

    Since this is your first time I would recommend you enter the Novice class.  I don't know if they've changed this class yet...

    If it's still available go with Novice because it's a good way to gradually get your feet wet.  

    If you would like additional information feel free to connect w/me and I'll help you out as much as possible.

    And remember, handling classes so you both can practice doing the right thing.  ;)

  8. well that yound of a puppy you  are so lucky i have two puppys and i know how you feel you have to train you puppy alot if he is on a chain you have to try to let him off the leash and get a fence for your  yard or you back yard then you have to teach him or her  to

    lay down

    stand up

    roll over


    play dead




    follow and more if you want more tips go to www. doggy tricks .com


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