
How would I go about getting Michael Savage fired?

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this man is utter trash. His comments on autism are dispicable. He needs to be fired immediately. Thank you in advance for posting contact information on his superiors.




  1. Ok in 2006 1 in 1,000 children were diagnosed with autism. In 2008 1 in 150 are diagnosed with autism????????? Could anyone explain this? Salvage is correct the Doctors and Phamacy companys see dollar signs$$$$$$$$$$$ and could care less what the side effects that this medication has on our children.

  2. amen to that.

    burn in h**l savage.

  3. All of his comments were taken out of context. What he was trying to do was expose all of the frauds in medicine and education. You obviously only listened to the liberal side of the story and not his show tonight. So many people called in saying he was right. A lot of people do diagnose autism without reasonable proof, because their are no specific "guidelines" for diagnosing autism. And schools get money and pharmicutical companies get money whenever a child is diagnosed with autism. A parent who had this happen to her called in and her child was misdiagnosed by the school, and a special ed teacher of 25 years also called in to say that he was absolutely right, she had all sorts of cases like that come in.

    Stop looking just at the one side of things before you make a one-sided comment. You only prove that in fact, liberalism is a mental disorder. Maybe you should be diagnosed with autism.


    He also had a brother who died of a mental disorder, so he would have good reason to think and know about this.

  4. Well, as a Savage listener, the past two days have been filled with experts in the field (who are veterans of the field, not newly out of school professionals as are many who are doing the improper diagnosis today) who did not take away the fact that autism does exist, but confirmed that it, along with bipolar, add, adhd, etc. are WAAAY over diagnosed.  My cousin was told by her son's teacher that he has add because he lays on the floor and pushes a car back and forth and because he doesn't listen to directions.  The doctor (who is the austism doctor the school refers everyone to) also agreed because my cousin's son was walking back and forth in the examining room (uh, kids get bored).  She went for a second opinion and the other expert said that he's adhd (which my cousin was satisfied with).  Well, little do the teacher and doctors know that his home life is filled with EXTREMELY lazy parenting and constant conflicting parenting.  She is a single parent living with her parents where her parents just give into his every whim and corrects her whenever she tries to discipline.  My cousin just yells at her son to discipline, she never sits down with him to guide him or teach him but believes that it's the teacher's job (not hers) to educate him.  She didn't even attempt to potty train until he was 4 1/2.  So you tell me, did the doctors misdiagnos him?  I believe they did.  My cousin is a lazy parent, her son just follows in her example.

  5. He just spoke the truth, as bad as parents don't wont to hear it.  He's just turning the light back on them for not being able to control their kids.

  6. He does what he has to do to make money.

    Im still not sure why Don Imus ever got fired, because he was doing the same thing.

    As much as i dont like these guys, they have a right to say what they want.

  7. Michael Savage is a prince among men.  He is misunderstood in his genius as genius always is.  He needs to be promoted not fired.

  8. He is a total jack-***, he had no right to say that bullsh*t. my neighbor is 5 years old and is very intelligent, maybe he cant show it by words, but he is nothing close to being a brat, just cause savage did somthing along time ago to help out dosnt mean he can say all that c**p!!! dont listen to people like "liveonearth" savage needs to be fired. look at his pics, u can tell he is a jackass

  9. I see there are already protests, but a letter wouldn't hurt your cause:

    Talk Radio Network

    P.O. Box 3755

    Central Point, Oregon 97502

  10. we go...

    He needs to be fired for his first ammendment rights?

    He needs to be fired for speaking medical truth?

    He needs to be fired for an opinion?

    He needs to be fired for doing his job (entertainment/controversy). which is it?  Since you're clearly the right person to figure out a career for someone else, what's the criteria for keeping him or letting him go?

  11. Call your local station that airs his show and tell them what you think.

  12. I agree he needs to be Fired One way to get him fired, Is write to the Producers of his Radio Program and say " I Have a Son Whose Autistic and I Raised Him Properly and all you said is not going to change him and You need to wake up and Not Bully these People because they are already getting Beat up by their Doctors and Politicians Don't tell me how to Raise My Child".

    That's what I would say.

  13. I agree.  I want this man shot!   What a horrible thing to say about kids with Autisim.  I agree he should be fired!!!!!!

  14. You should take the time to understand what Michael Savage actually said and the context of the conversation that was underway.

    Instead, you are relying on quotes made by an organization who has it's own agenda against Michael Savage and littering Yahoo Answers with ignorance.

    You should also look into who Michael Savage is, a man who has done more for Children's health than the organization you are listening to will ever do.

    Visit his website and read his side of the story and rid yourself of your ignorance.

  15. Being a parent of 2 autistic children, I know first hand how hard it is to hear someone insult the autistic community. This man is doing something that people find shockingand insulting to say the least. I'll have to admit, when I first heard of the situation, it angered me. Greatly. But I had time to actually sit down and write out my thoughts on him.

    Ignorance breeds ignorance pure and simple. Even though he had a disabled relative, this should have not been a subject he broached without proper research and information.

    I don't believe for a minute that he would openly apologize to his listeners or to the autism community b/c he is getting what he wants. ATTENTION.  He has a right to say what he wants and is protected by the Constitution. But, he needs to know that the way he presented his case was not thought out.

    I listened to his rebuttal on his website and find that even though he explains himself AFTER making such harsh comments doesn't take back what he said. He lumped all autistic children into the melting pot along with lecherous parents who want a label for monetary gain. He should have used the rebuttal in the first place instead of putting his foot in his mouth on the first airing.

    The way people say things and how they mean them are sometimes two totally different scenarios. But, instead of apologizing for his commentary on autism, he rearranged his words and pinpointed the people he actually intended to put on red alert.

    My grandmother used to say, make all your words sweet, you never know when you'll have to eat them.

    This is just another case of someone putting their foot in their mouth and justifying why won't change how they really feel.

  16. If one were to have bothered to listen to his commentary in its entirety they could've logically concluded that Savage was expressing his opinion that there are many kids who have been labeled as having autism, ADD, ADHD, etc... who have been misdiagnosed.

    Now, - does he have a valid opinion?

    I, for one, feel that the field of psychiatry/psychology has manufactured many of these 'diagnoses' for little or no other reason than to remind us that the field is, indeed, legitimate, and not 'quack' science.

    Why would this be done?

    Because, quite simply, - it's difficult to get federal grants to study 'brats'. However, when you turn a 'brat' into ' a child with autism', - the money will pour in.

    As for taking Savage off the air, that can easily be done by simply boycotting, or just threatening to boycott, the companies who advertise on his show (in the vein of Don Imus). Let us remember, however, that the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is set up to protect all forms of expression which do not present the probability of a 'clear and present danger', - and that those forms of expression which are most difficult to protect are the ones we each find...

    ... most offensive.

    Please pardon the verbosity of this response.

    Thank You...

  17. You'll never silence the truth. When Michael is gone, there is Levine, then Hannity (barely after his position on McPain, Vote Ron Paul)

    God Bless

    Frank Pytel

  18. People have been trying to silence Savage for years and The Savage Nation has grown by leaps and bounds. Good luck!

  19. My daughter is 16 she is Autistic, the thing that bothers me the most about what savage said is the percentage he used 99%, give me a break, that's like saying that Autism rarely exists, for those of you that keep defending him, you obviously have no clue what it's like every day when you have a child or are a person with Autism, I'm not even going to get into this, I would need a lot more than this web site to show you the extent of what it is like. To answer your question, don't bother chaneling your anger thwords him, It's not worth it, god will take care of that, who knows, maybe next lifetime he will come back as an Autistic person or have an Autistic child, or comes back as a single mother, battered wife, drug addict, prisoner, homeless, victim of a holocaust, mass murderer, AIDS victim, blind, cripeled, burnt victim, aborted child that never made it to the world, etc, etc, etc,

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