
How would I go about getting a english residency.

by Guest58651  |  earlier

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I am from New Zealand and my partner is from England and we are looking at moving. How would I go about getting residency we have been together for around 4 years




  1. getting married is not really the answer

    as there is no guarentee you will get residency as new zealand is a perfectly good country,

    and is way better than the uk

    we here in the uk are sinking under the tide of immigrations

    and the cost of living is massive.

    houses unaffordable to almost everyone

    stay where you are i want to leave and go to canada or new zealand

    there are more british leaving their home land m now than ever before and its beacuse our coutry is dying.

    dont come to the uk  you will regret it

  2. It's a British residency you're looking for, make sure you know that or you won't get one. This website has everything you need:

  3. contact home office or google it.  

  4. The only way to go about it is to get married to him.

    You can always apply for a different visa, ie a holiday visa, or working holiday visa etc for the time being.  But that would give you a max of 4 years or so (if you are lucky)

    Go to the above mentioned sites, and I'd say give the Border and Immigration Agency a call and explain your situation. They should be your first point of call.

    Good luck.

    Oh... and ignore these nunces here with their S****y remarks...

  5. Another english residency quiestion, there are so many on here everyday. Cant imagine why!! (£££££££££££)


  7. Ya, Get Married ...   :)))))))))))))))

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