
How would I go about getting a job working with wild life and endangered animals?

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I am currently working on my A.S. degree in biotechnology and then I plan on transfering to a 4 year university. But I am not sure what I should major in. I would love to work with animals. I want to be able to help them on a molecular level as well as hands on stuff...maybe even one day go to Africa or something. Is there even a job like that? Does any one have any ideas or can point me in the right direction?




  1. Sounds like you might want to be a wildlife biologist, or field biologist.  Working as a zoologist in a lab would be a different job..but to do either you can start with getting a degree in zoology, biology, wildlife management, wildlife studies, or some other closely related topic.  While still in school, you should volunteer or intern to get hand-on experience with the types of animals you are most interested in.  It is always good to work for a professor on campus who is doing research that is appropriate to your major.  Once out of school, you can try and find work with government agencies, non-profit organizations, universities, musuems, or environmental consultant firms.  You might do some seasonal work first to gain enough experience to land a full time permanent position.

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