
How would I go about retrieving a hidden katana?

by  |  earlier

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I was ordered to despose of a rather large Shogun Katana samurai sword within a side street city dranage way, Now I must get it out. How or what should I do?




  1. blast the nearest manhole lid with your trusty M-60, this will allow you entrance into the sewers, where you will use your ninja skills to hypontize the resident crocodiles who will bring you the missing katana

  2. I have these type of missions all the time man.

    First, how did you despose of it?

    Just reverse what you did and bam, you got it again.


    If you were ordered to do something like that, you should be smart enough not to use Yahoo Answers!


  3. You can not legally enter a sewer.   A sewer is a confined space and you risk being expose to deadly gas.  If some time has passed, it may have washed far away as a large volume of water travels down sewers along with leaves and other matter.    

  4. . . . . And just which video game have YOU been spending too much time playing lately?

    Wouldn't this be better answered in Video Games or Martial Arts, anyway?

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