
How would I go about taking picutes of myself?

by  |  earlier

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nude pictures..that is, but not tacky, artistic




  1. get a camera with a timer or remote, set it up on a tripod and have at it.  If your asking about how to pose, then look up artistic pictures online and compare what you like about them and what you don't.  Adjust your poses to get what you want.  If its a digital camera, then all you have to do is erase the ones that didn't come out and keep going!!

  2. You will regret it later, so don't do it.  Plus they could fall in the wrong hands and come back to haunt you later in life.  It might also imbarrase your family, like your parents, or children.  You could even loose your job.  So, don't do it.

  3. I'm not gonna moralize or preach.  I will just say be careful with what you do with your results.

    You'll need a tripod and a camera with a self-timer.  If it's got a 10 second timer, great.  If it's only got a 2 second timer, um...move fast.  Or see if you can get a remote release to press and hide before the camera fires.

    For self-portraits what I do is figure out where I want to sit and do that.  Then I take a piece of painter's tape (comes off easily) and stick it to something behind where my head's gonna be.  This'll give you a good idea of how to setup your camera, where to aim, how much to zoom, etc.  If you're planning on sitting in a chair or lying on a bed, you have some of those dimensions already.

    For nudes, like someone else said, I recommend very plain poses.  Okay, maybe not making coffee or frying bacon (ouch) like a snapshot photo, but perhaps just sitting, elbows on your knees, face in hands (lightly so that your jaw and cheeks don't get disfigured in the pic).

    Quite often the best nude picture is what it doesn't show and leaves to the viewer's imagination.  All the "naughty bits" covered but with enough showing that the viewer knows.  A great nude I took once with a white backdrop, woman's back to me, she'd slipped off her camisole and it was pooled around her waist, face slightly in profile.  You could see curves and lines and knew she was nude, but I've seen harder stuff on television.

  4. don't wear makeup (the point is that nature is beautiful. so why wear makeup)

    don't pose provocatively. act like it's a normal picture except you just happen to not be wearing clothes.

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