
How would I go about volunteering at my local elementary school?

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and are they always looking for volunteers? i'm only eighteen; will they not want me? i used to go to that school and i loved it so much. they recently rebuilt it and i would love to go help kids, i have a lot of free time.




  1. Hahaha....will they want you?  You bet they will!  As a teacher I can tell you schools are always happy to have help.  Stop at the office, that's a good start, but it's even better if you have an idea of what you'd like to do.  Volunteer at recess?  Read with children?  Help with homework?  Assist a teacher in class?  Or if you really don't care, give them time frames you're available for and tell them you'll be happy to help in any way.  They most likely will be thrilled to have you!

  2. Some schools have a volunteer coordinator and you would have to contact that person or call the office to get her information.

    I would also stop by an old teacher's classroom and tell her your interests and why. I know at my school the most important thing about volunteering is consistency. You would need to be willing to come on a regular basis at least once a week at a specific time so he/she can plan for you.

    Typically at some schools like mine, you have to fill out a background check. If you have anything bad in your background check like felony, abuse, child _____ fillin the word, then you will not get approved to work in that school.

  3. Go and get your name put on a list or something. I would also look into going and getting a free background check from your local police dept. because a lot of schools require this if you are going to be volunteering on a regular basis.

  4. Walk into the office and tell them you would like to volunteer. They should have you fill out a form and possibly require you to be fingerprinted. Also many elementary schools have after school day care programs and you can get paid for helping out there, just ask what they would need help with or tell them what you would like to do.  

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