
How would I kill ants that come from the sink in the bathroom??

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Ok the other day my roommate saw a lot of ants in her bathroom and we can't find the ant hill that they are coming from. I have tried to mix water with some mint extract and spray it in the bathroom. That worked for the moment and then the next morning there were more. A couple of hours later there were more ants but with wings. I'm not sure if they are queen ants or what. I even bought some ant spray and just sprayed the bathroom again. I'm running out of ideas here.




  1. Try putting Bounce fabric softener sheets in the area of ant traffic.  You can also spray the exterior with a termite and ant killer solution using a garden hose attached to the liquid spray.  I buy a bottle once a year and do this to the exterior of my house.  This eliminates the ants from coming inside.  The spray can be purchased at Wal-Mart, Lowes, Home Deport etc...The bottle states that the spray is effective for 1 year.  The cost is around $25.00.

  2. An exterminator can tell you for sure if it's ants or termites for sure,you can catch so in ajar (with a lid) and take them to 1 or call 1 that has a free inspection.

    If you live in a house,you need to check under the house around the bathroom pipes and expand outwards to locate the ant trail from the ground up.

    Just spraying won't do the trick,you need to destroy the scent trail to.

    There are granules you can spread out and the ants will break them up and carry it back for the colony to eat.

    If you live in an apartment,then you need to contact the landlord or manager and let them deal with the problem.

    The winged ants are queens that will eventually leave to start new colonies.

  3. Run Hot water for a while, It will kill the ants if they are down your drain.  

  4. I don't have anything to add, but I think you might have drain gnats. (They look like flying ants, but can live anywhere, including in parts of the world where termites don't exist (such as Alberta, where I was living at the time).

    I had those once in an apartment and I nuked that sink from orbit with everything I could find - I still don't know where they came from (I'd only moved in the previous day).  

  5. Hummm ants with wings.Are you sure they aren't termites?  

  6. run hot water, then pour bleach down.

    or do the bleach first.

    either way..anything thats down there is dead.

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