
How would I know if I had a past life?

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Would I know this already? Sometimes I just "know" that I did, but other times i'm not sure. I don't have any memories that I am aware of. I don't know if i would trust a psychic enough to pay to find out. How would I know if they were for real or not? I really want to know if I have lived before.. I believe in past lives and reincarnation. I want to know if I have lived before and who i was and when my past lives occured. Is there any way I can find out for sure?




  1. there is no way to know for sure. these things...just no one knows.

  2. you can try past life regression. but i am almost sure that each and every one of us today has had a past life..

  3. try self hypnosis,worked for me(:

  4. u will never really know for this time and era u could easily chalk it up to the influence the different medians has had on your when an ancient one has dreams that are too far beyond his experiences he quite possibly had a case for past or future life previews

  5. There is no way to "know" in any scientific sense, because the idea of having past lives is hardly testable. Still, there has been at least one noble attempt to systematically collect objective evidence for past lives (see Ian Stevenson, below), but that effort was inconclusive.

    Most people interested in it resort to past life regression, but PLR is pure bunkum and a way for PLR "therapists" to bilk a lot of cash out of their gullible clients. See the link below for PLR.

    So in summary, you can't know. It's a religious idea and so any answers are faith-based and will be different each time you ask somebody different.

  6. Someoe very smart  and spiritual as a pagen told me that she could see it in my eyes. Find a pagen.

  7. When alone and in a quiet dark room between midnight and 3am, burn a candle between yourself and a mirror, then focus beyond your own reflection and you will see.

  8. Yes, just ask yahoo answers and we will tell you the answer to everything!

    What are you, nuts?  I'll go out on a limb and say you were probably a dumb a** back then just like you are now.

  9. Maybe you're picking up on someone else's life...somebody who died..and it seems like your life to you.

  10. Well you can find out on your own but this is going to take some time and practice.  There are some books on how to do this for yourself.  Also you could go to a hypnotist and have them do it for you.  The main key for this though is your brain ready for this and are you ready or are you suppose to know this information.  There are reasons that we don't know about our past life's.  This is something your really going to have to find out for yourself.

  11. You haven't had a past life.

  12. Especially vivid dreams of a time in the past,  feelings of deja vu, unusual skills or abilities you have had since a very early age,  very strong likes and dislikes or ideas you have strongly held all your life even if not in conformity with your current environment are all indications that your existence  may not have started with birth into this life.

    While you cannot know for sure,   this is something you have to decide for yourself based on what seems right to you.

    There are a lot of very intelligent people like the Dali Lama who believe in past lives?

  13. There is a way to remember, and it's not always easy to connect with your spirit guide. My spirit guide gave me two life time  of past memory in dream form when she was coming to me almost daily for a few years.

    I always felt like I done something before....when I was a child I had visions in my head like memory of many people, details of their faces. I not know who they were or why I was having it until recently once my guide started coming to me, her name is Erica and she know me from other past life times because she is now in my memory once of her as my spirit guide in another life time as now, and us together in our first time together, and I was the one who died first and came back as spirit to comfort her as she does me now. I think we are taking turns as spirit guides as we wait for one another:)

  14. my husband believes that deja vu has a lot to do with past lives and that the feeling of being there or experiencing that moment before was because you already did but in another life... thats our idea of it anyway...

    **help me with my latest question if you can...please

  15. You can buy guided self-hypnosis tapes and cds that would help you to possibly find out.  A company called Potentials Unlimited produces such tapes.  The prices range from about $7.98 plus shipping and handling to about $19.99.  I have included the website information below.  Good luck in your search.

  16. I suggest that you consult a hypnotist...

  17. A lot of people think they have had a past life when they experience deja vu. however.. you cant find out for sure... there is no way....

  18. if you ever get the chance you might want to visit a hypnotist who deals with past life regression.  You will tell them if you have had a past life.  But please go to someone reputable and be forewarned that every past life was not a good one.  Sometimes it is best that we don't know.

  19. get hypnotized dont go to a psychic

  20. If you wish to convince yourself you have lived before you can do one of two things.  The first is to convince yourself that you have.  This way is easy.  Unfortunately, because you are basing this on just a desire to have lived before you may have difficulty convincing others.  This leads to the second method: gathering evidence in support of past lives.

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