
How would I know if a travel ban is imposed on me in the United States?

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I am an expat who used to work in the US, but after 9/11, I have since lost my job due to mergers, have been unable to pay my house mortgage as well as credit cards, I have left the country before my visa expires which is sponsored by my company. I am ready to come back and settle off what has been left undone, but I am so concerned that my debt has caused too much of damage. Please help enlighten me. I do not have any outstanding notice from any law enforcement agencies, but it concerns me most as I am trying to put my life back on track.




  1. Trust me from past experience 2yrs ago you won't know until you hit US immigration been there done it did not like the jail time.

    The other countries just give them your info like flight # and passport # when you head to the US they pick you right out when you try and pass through it sucks and i was an expat myself.

  2. If you were here legitimately before you left, have all your credentials and can re-enter the country legally when you come back, then you have nothing to worry about.  If not, you will most definately be detained for an unspecified amount of time, charged with a federal crime and then deported.

  3. No ban will be imposed on you due to your financial debt, the USCIS is not concerned in this matter. However your credit history will still remain and if it is as bad as you are eluding to, then you may have difficulty in starting a *new* life here, everything from loans, renting a car, mortgage or renting an apartment and even purchasing a car. Your ability to get credit cards will also be reduced.

    It will take many, many years to fix your credit history, but a ban from the U.S. you will not receive because of this.

  4. Uncle Sam does not get involve with personal debts. They are interested only if you have trouble with the law, not financial stuff.

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