
How would I prepare for high school and get organized?

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Well I'm going to HIGH SCHOOL first year (9th grade). Anyways I want to learn to be organized so I dont lose stuff. I usually do my hw but lose it =[. Or sometimes I forget. I really want to get a fresh start in high school. So what should I buy to get organized?BTW My locker is not super big just average size and I think I might have 6 or 7 classes.. also any hs tips?




  1. I'm just like you but i don't get a locker :( any ways it helps if you have a clean working environment. (im not saying you have a crappy room like me but if your desk at least is clean then its a good start) get some things to organize your desk


    are good places to go to

  2. Def get 4 binders, each in a different colour/pattern for each class :)

    Also, get one of those little folders, and call it your "homework folder."

    One side can be labelled "homework" and the other "projects"

    It kept me MAJORLY organized, because i carried it to every class, put my homework in WHILE it was assigned, and then after i did my homework, i put it back it and carried it to class!

    Its cheap and it WORKS!

    Also, an agenda book or piece of paper IN the folder will be practically necessary so you don't forget anything such as a textbook or permission form!


  3. Don't worry about your locker. At my highschool, most people don't even use them. The only reason you would use a locker is if it's close to one of your classes, and if you have a couple heavy textbooks.

    As for getting organized, just have a folder that is used only for homework, then you won't ever lose it.  

  4. wow, lucky. i have 8 classes, all are very demanding....gym is the only "fun" class i have.

    well, buy a planner. This is very important. Also buy one or two binders before school starts. Get folders, and make sure to get one and that one should be the "main" folder, that is where you'll keep homeworks, and important things. Pens...pens.....pens....pens.

  5. what i did ( and it REALLY HELPED because i am extremely disorganized!) is have a thin folder/ binder for each class. make sure they are cute and different colors so you can tell which one is for each class. i said make them cute because what i did was keep mine on my desk each day so i would use it. and since its cute, friends will compliment it and it would make me want to keep using it.  so when you are done with that class and that folder, put it in your locker every 2 classes or so and get the binders for your next classes. have each binder have sections for homework,classwork,tests,etc.   and then you can know what binder to take home for homework.  i have been doing this since freshmen year too, i works well and now im a senior and very organized!! i really hoped i helped

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