
How would I prepare myself/body 4 s*x? What are some do and don't?

by Guest64373  |  earlier

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its ma first time i need a lil advise plz?




  1. dont freak out and dont think so much about it

  2. Honestly, the best way to prepare for s*x is to be prepared for motherhood. Someone said that advice and I think it's extremely true. There is always a chance you get something you won't expect. Be emotionally ready for it and definately DON'T be pressured. Do what YOU want to do. Not him.  

  3. make sure is ur choice and ur not presurred in to in  us safe s*x idk ur choice ....... use the force

  4. It wont matter what anyone tells you - it will all go out the window when it happens.  

    It will hurt, you'll wonder why anyone does it, but you'll do it again anyway, and one day you'll find someone that can do it right.  

  5. you need to stretch out everything!

    hahaa, jk you dont need to do anything except thin about birth control.

  6. PLZ use protection that's the 1st thing..then just relax and hopefully you have s*x with someone you really love and care about!

  7. Here are my 10 commandments for first-time s*x, whether it’s your first time ever or just with a new guy. While I can’t guarantee you a religious experience, if you follow my lead I can promise you a sexual experience that will be all the more satisfying.

    1. Safety first. There’s no such thing as totally safe s*x, but you sure can be safer. Make sure he’s wearing a condom (even if you’re on the Pill) and talk about your respective sexual histories. I know it may sound like a buzz-kill, but heterosexual women have a higher risk of contracting an STI (sexually transmitted infection) than men, so it’s up to you to take a proactive interest in your sexual health.

    2. Don’t have too-high expectations. s*x generally improves as you get to know someone and become more comfortable with each other’s bodies. So don’t feel pressured to make it the best night ever, because this is just the first of many.

    3. Breathe. First-time s*x can be tense and nerve-wracking, not to mention painful sometimes. Taking long, deep breaths can help you relax and let go.

    4. Don’t forget to enjoy foreplay. All the stuff that leads up to intercourse — kissing, touching, oral s*x — is part of the sexual experience; it’s not just about penetration.

    5. Make sure you’re amply aroused before intercourse. Not only do you want to be genuinely turned on, you want to be sufficiently lubricated. If you’re too dry, he’ll have trouble entering you, you’ll feel discomfort, and the friction can cause the condom to rip. So, keep water–based lube on hand just in case.

    6. Speak up. Let him know what feels good, and what doesn’t. Guys crave feedback, so don’t be shy about clueing him in.

    7. Don’t assume he’s the expert. He may be getting a lot of his information about s*x from p**n and the tall tales of his buddies in the locker room. And, even if he is experienced, every sexual encounter is unique. He’s just as worried about pleasing you as you are about getting him off.

    8. Don’t expect to have an o****m. Of course, it’s great if you do. But, most women don’t climax the first few times with a new guy. Orgasms come with a sense of comfort and specific knowledge of each other’s bodies, and that takes time.

    9. Don’t fake it. If you do, you’ll only be cheating yourself. Letting him know you came close and want to get there with him will keep him motivated.

    10. His p***s may malfunction. Guys get anxious too. Premature ejaculation and erectile difficulty are common the first time a man sleeps with someone. If he has a problem, don’t make a big deal out of it or worry that there’s something wrong with you or your connection. More than likely, it will work itself out.

    The first time, a.k.a. losing it, being deflowered, breaking the seal, losing your innocence, popping the cherry — there are lots of names for it. But when you’ve decided to have s*x for the first time, the names don’t matter. What matters is being ready and having some idea of what it’s all about.


    When the big day (or more likely, night) arrives, no matter how you set it up — with candles, champagne, and s**y lingerie, or as just another night — it’s bound to be more exciting, and at least a little more nerve wracking, than your standard hook-up.

    So do yourself a few favors. First, have protection ready. There’s enough to worry about without having to add concern about contracting an infection or dealing with a pregnancy. If you don’t have a supply of condoms, go get some. Frank Littlefield*, a senior at Boston University, remembers making a fast trip to the store on his first night. He was at a friend’s house for a holiday party. When he discovered both he and his (also virginal) partner were latex-less, he “ran to the drug store. I grabbed one of those 75-cent single packs, and sprinted back. She was waiting for me.”

    Next, get in the mood. This is supposed to be fun, so relax and enjoy it. Turn on some s**y music, and then it’s time for — hey guys, are you paying attention? — foreplay, foreplay, foreplay. The more excited and worked up you both are, the easier and smoother the whole thing will be.

    Getting In

    Take it from the veterans: Penetration is rarely as easy as it looks in the movies. So you can probably expect a little, er, poking around before the ship docks in the port. And don’t be surprised if a little manhandling is required. Sharon LaRusso, a senior at UCLA who lost her virginity at age 17, recalls the pre-entry moment as silly, but fun. “There were a few mis-pokes around my thighs. Then he guided it in with his hands,” she remembers.

    Prior to experiencing s*x, most virgins have heard from a variety of sources that the first time hurts for a woman. According to most women — and some men — this was their biggest concern about the whole experience. The truth? First-time s*x may be a tad wince-worthy, but you’re not passing a kidney stone. “It hurt a little, but nowhere near as much as I’d expected,” says Lindsay Kelly, a senior at the University of Delaware who lost it at age 19. Gretchen Lazlo, a sophomore at Colby College and a virgin till age 16, says, “It was a little uncomfortable at first, but I wouldn’t call it painful.”

    According to these same women, the best way to make it as painless as possible can be summed up in two words: Go slow. John Tatum of Emory University remembers asking his partner, who was also a virgin, several times how she was doing and if it hurt. “I knew that if she didn’t like it the first time, she probably wouldn’t want to sleep with me again!” he says. “So I was gentle, and kept checking in with her to make sure everything was OK. Later, she told me she was so glad I did that.”

    The Act

    Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat: First time out, the big O is mainly the domain of the guys. No, it’s not fair, but that’s just the way it is. If you’re a female and you’re with someone who is very experienced, there’s a chance you might be sent into waves of orgasmic ecstasy, but don’t count on it. “I don’t know of anyone who [had an o****m] the first time,” says Lindsay. Sharon agrees: “It was at least a year before I came while having s*x.”

    For guys, by most accounts, the first time is a quickie. Most guys I talked to estimated their first time lasted about 1-3 minutes. At best. “Put it this way: I could have beat Maurice Green,” says Dave Wayland of Princeton University. So coming quickly is nothing to be embarrassed about. If you’re with a more experienced girl, then “they know what to expect from you” says Frank. If you’re with another virgin, you really don’t have to worry. Hannah Kischler, a junior at Smith College, says her first time was “mercifully quick,” since the first time for her “was fun, but it wasn’t generally enjoyable from a physical point of view.”

    Experimenting with different positions may not be the best thing your first time around — unless, of course you’re with someone who has more experience than you and who is comfortable taking you through the steps. Most men and women, however, find that the missionary position works just fine for that first test run.

    Many novices worry about rhythm. Don’t. Rhythm is something that comes with practice, and from getting to know how your partner moves. “I definitely didn’t know what I was doing,” recalls Barry Glover, a senior at Drew University. “I didn’t really get the motions going. I never practiced on an apple pie or anything.” His recommendation? Slap on some tunes. s**y tunes, that is. “It’s about slow, constant, steady rhythmical pressure. If you lack rhythm, like I did, try putting on music. It’s like dancing. Just move to the beat.”

    Lindsay remembers the one thing that kept going through her mind. ‘I didn’t know what to do with my knees!” she laughs. It may seem trivial, but she, like many other men and women, remembers worrying about simple little things like their limbs. The best advice on this front — and overall — came from Jean Kirkpatrick, a recent graduate of Kenyon College. “There’s nothing you can do wrong. Okay, so you want to make sure you don’t hurt your partner. But outside of that, there’s absolutely nothing really right or really wrong you can do.”

    Getting Out

    Hey, you’ve done the deed. Congratulations. But don’t s***w up now. Guys, when you pull out, grab the condom, hold on, and pull out slowly. Spillage is bad. You put that thing on for a reason, make sure you use it correctly. Don’t wait a long time to pull out, either. Instantaneous removal isn’t essential, but shrinkage can cause spillage, so watch out.


    There are a few things you should know about after-s*x. One is cleanup. Condoms are pretty neat and tidy, but have some Kleenex (or at least an old T-shirt) handy just in case.

    Another is the smell. You may have heard people talk about the smell of s*x, but you probably don’t know what it is till you’ve done it. Barry loved it then, and loves it now. He first smelled it after having s*x for the first time at age 16. “Mmmm. I didn’t shower for two days!” he reminisces. Now, while we don’t necessarily recommend this particular course of action, a little reveling in the scent isn’t a bad thing.

    Finally, while guys won’t be left with many physical reminders after their first time, women might notice a little bleeding. No big deal — it should hardly be enough to qualify as spotting, and should go away quickly. “I noticed a little blood in the shower afterward, but it was gone by the next morning,” says Gretchen. Women might also be a little sore or tender the day after, but that feeling should also go away soon.

    So good luck, and remember: No one really knows what to do the first time around. But folks have been successfully bonking for millions of years. They all figured it out. And you will too. So relax, take it slow, and don’t worry about any sexual snafus. Just do what seems natural and comfortable. “There won’t be any swinging from the chandeliers at first,” says Sharon. “That’ll happen in time. You have to figure out what works with the person you’re with. And that’s true when you’re with any new person for the first time — it doesn’t matter if it’s your first lover, or your tenth.”

    So, the rundown… the spark notes version to having s*x for the first time and tips to make it even better

    Talk it up. Not with your friends — although they might be able to give you some good advice. Talk to you partner before the big night. Talk about your experience, your concerns, your expectations. If you can talk about it before s*x, it’ll be easier to talk about it during and after, too. And make sure to ask about your partner’s sexual history. Consider getting tested together to make sure you’re both clean.

    Rubbers, gloves, latex, protection Call ‘em what you will. Have condoms on hand. (Oh — in case you weren’t paying attention — use condoms.)

    Size might matter. We’ve all heard theories on whether or not p***s size matters. We don’t have any answers to the age-old question here, but we can tell you that p***s size can make a difference if it’s your first time. If a guy is particularly large, entry and s*x can be a bit more tedious for everyone involved. Just make sure you take it slow.

    Live and learn. Having some “all but” (as in “all but sex”) experience helps. If you’ve previously been initiated into the joys of making out, feeling up, and giving and receiving oral s*x, then s*x itself is a whole lot less intimidating. You’re already comfortable with squirts, spurts, and other bodily functions.

    Lube job. If you’re having trouble getting in, or if you’re experiencing pain after penetration, you may want to have some KY jelly or other non-oil-based lubricant on hand. If you don’t feel comfortable with lubricant, use a natural substitute — saliva can work wonders. Let there be light? Lights on or off, it’s entirely up to you. s*x is s*x, light or no light. But it may help to know that many first timers recommend darkness. You’ll both probably be less self-conscious that way.

    No crowded house. Make sure your door has a lock. Use it. The last thing you need is your roomie or anyone else detracting from your first bout in bed.

  8. well

    1. dont do it with ANY guy that comes ur way.

    2. wear a condom

    3. have respect for ur body. guys dont want tainted girl in the long run. just in the mean time

  9. get rid of all body hair, especially on ur legs and under arms. Wash your body, ur hair, make sure you're clean, smell good, etc. If it's ur first time, you'll probably be very tight down there. It might hurt a little. Make sure he enters slowly and carefully. For my first time, i was so tight that he couldn't enter. Part of it was b/c he was trying to force it in with one push. It aint gonna work like that. It has to be done slowly, gentle pushes, until he's in.

    Also, if you're like me and had never worn a tampon or was very athletic, then you might have to fit some of that in before the big night!

    hope that helped, good luck and try to enjoy it!

    also very important: MAKE SURE HE WEARS A CONDOM CORRECTLY.

  10. pray to buddha at least 30  minutes beforehand

  11. Always require a condom.  Carry one if necessary  Protect yourself and go on the pill before the High part of your cycle.  Too bad you cannot talk to Mom who has been there and KNOWS

    Protect yourself at all times against disease single parenthood. Luck!  

  12. DO: get on birth control/use a condom

    DO: make sure you are with the right person

    DON'T: let yourself be pressured into it

    DON'T: stress about it

    DON'T: expect too much, your first time is special but certainly isn't the greatest s*x you will ever have

    DO: enjoy it and remember that it only gets better

  13. wait for marriage

    wait for someone you trust

    wait for someone who actually deserves this gift from you

    love yourself enough to say no

    use birthcontrol if your not trying to get pregnnat

    know the pull out trick is NO  form of birth control

    ask yourself if you are willing to raise a child with this man

    ask yourself what you will do if you get pregnant

    if your young talk to your mother first  

  14. relax amybe a drink and protection and lots of wine

  15. just make sure that you are emotionally prepared and fully aroused

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