
How would I start a Horse Racing Farm?

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I am looking to start a Racing Farm when I have all the needed foundations (ie: Budget, the farm itself, etc.). I want to know what the right things would be to do to begin one. Also, if someone could tell me everything about being and becomming a Trainer, that would be great too.




  1. You got millions??? Because thats what it takes.  Start with money and there will be some horse person there to rip you off!  Remember, horse sellers and agents are the "original" used car salesmen.  Be careful in every step you take.  This is an expensive rich mans hobby and if you don't have the $ to lose, don't get in it for business.  Horses are best enjoyed as pets not profits. Good luck whatever you decide

  2. Buy yourself a good stallion to put out at stud, and hire someone who knows what he's doing.  If owners are going to send their mares to you for breeding, the mares will be dropping foals after they arrive. You wouldn't want a bunch of lawsuits because you allow mares to die while foaling.

  3. Becoming a trainer is hard work and you should just start out walking horses and grooming them but you have to find someone who will teach youJack VanBerg, Bobby Frankel. It all depends where you want to race at. You will have to have 3 trainers recommend you and you take the trainer tedt its hard. Location is the biggest part and advertising thru the bloodhorse magazine but threw word of mouth. Just remember a horse owner dosent want to step in horse poo. So keep your shed row very clean. Look at Spendthrift, Calumet, and the Vanberg and Frankel operation      Good Luck

  4. Are you wanting a breeding, training or nursery farm?  Before you do anything, you have to have a plan, a clear plan on what you are wanting to accomplish.  

    When you have a plan, before you even buy the property, you need to have a trainer/manager at your side.  If you don't know the business (and it sounds like you don't) you need someone to guide you and keep you from making BIG mistakes.

    The biggest problem I have seen with new people is listening to everyone else and second guessing your trainer/manager.  You have to find someone you trust and let them do the job you are paying them to do.  The relationship you have with your trainer/manager should be long term, if your turnover is high, you will go under in a short amount of time.  You are not going to like all of the decisions that this person makes, but you have to TRUST them.  I'm not saying let them take you to the cleaners, but you have to let them do their job!  Don't start anything until you have found this key person.

    I've been doing this my entire life and my family has been in the TB business over 100 years.  I've seen many people jump in and lose it all, simply by not listening to their people.

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